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Thursday, June 14, 2018

"His aim? to appall, folks. He's building a wall, folks..." Thaneeah...Thaneeah...That's All, Folks! or (Un)quiet F(o)l(l)ows the Don(ald): A Constrained Crambo

His aim? To appall, folks.
He’s framing a wall, folks.
His tweets? Folderol, folks.
His bleat, "I don't fall, folks,
don't stumble, don't sprawl, folks."
His hands are so-o-o-o-o-o small, folks.
So: how many justices might he install, folks?

His gazes ooze gall, folks.
His phrases? Banal, folks.
He answers folks’ call, folks.
His folks tend to brawl, folks.
And drawl with a “y’all,” folks.
And think he's King Saul, folks.
So: which third-world dictators does he enthrall, folks?

An indifferent pol, folks,
he claims wherewithal, folks.
His hair doesn't loll, folks
He combs with a maul, folks.
His brand makes a haul, folks.
He’s having a ball, folks.
So: when will his “telling it like it is” pall, folks?

His moll is a doll, folks.
His kids own the mall, folks.
His Hancock's a scrawl, folks.
His tales are all tall, folks.
“He’s nuts!” some folks bawl, folks.
Thus folks mustn't stall, folks.
So: what must folks do to make Drumpf cry, “Thaneeah...thaneeah...thaneeah...thaneeah...that's all, folks!"?

"In utt'ring the A word, I move my mates Mayward..." The A Word & Other Off-Limits Language or Verboten Verbiage: A Constrained Alphabet

(The 'April' and the 'buck')

In utt'ring the A word, 
I move my mates Mayward.
Its spirit? I fear it's 
enmoisten'd, post March,
while the B word Tru* hollers -- 
to guarantee dollars 
pols pass stop, at las,' 
at his desk -- shows tru' starch.
     * Not author Capote but former 
Buck-Backstop-in-Chief Harry S.

(The 'cuckold' and the 'drunkard')

C words go unmentioned 
by nerds ill-intentioned:
the wives of those guys 
toy with boys on the side.
As for D words? They're said 
when too much liquid bread
lets my bro into haut 
dipsomania slide.

(The 'enema' and the 'fart')

The E word shoots shivvers 
up colons, down livers,
'cuz rectal dysfunction's 
no man's mug o' tea.
And, though not what you think 'er, 
that F word's a stinker
once gas up one's ass 
proves one's fate (accompli).

(The 'green' and the 'halitosis')   

The G word, although it's 
the new blue to many,
is banned in all red states. 
(Do you vote in any?) 
The H word? Say they: he said 
she said I've got it.
(I say: Vescere bracis meis*…
or: sod it!)
     * Latin -- vulgar at that --
for "Eat my shorts!"

(The 'Injun' and the 'Jap')

Native American insult -- 
the I word.
Down under, it's 'abo' -- 
though such be not my word.
The J word, in Double U 
Double U Two,
seemed acceptable...then. 
(Oh! The evil men do!)

(The 'kike' and the 'lesbo')

'Round the last ring in hell 
one imagines Herr Ado'ph
pronouncin' the K word...
then laughin' his haid off.
Misogynist man-children 
whisper the L word...
then snort...then continue 
itiner'ries hellward.

(The 'more' and the 'nothing')

The M words gets mentioned 
by Oliver Twist
(all who do do get more...
and no slaps on the wrist),
while the N word,* to die-hard 
creationists? Weird!
They insist this world's made 
by some geez in a beard.

(The 'O-ring' and the 'panties')

It took Richard* to bring up 
the O word; he show'd
how, because rings were frozen, 
the Challenger blow'd.
And the P word: on Seinfeld 
this shorthand for 'scanties'
proves mentionable: 
Elaine mentions "the ______!"
     * Physicist Feinman

(The 'Quik' and the dead 'red')

Don't mention the Q word 
when visiting Hershey:*
they'll soak you in sauce 
till you're beggin' for mershey.
Suspected are you 
as the R word? McCarthy
will ruin your life -- 
till you're beggin' for “marthy.”
     * In Pennsylvania

(The 'shit' and the 'tit')

Swung the hammer 'n' missed. 
Hit the thumb 'n' got pissed.
Formed the agonized fist. 
Now the S word's heard hissed.
The T word means breast, 
like most mammary monikers:
'chesticles,' 'sweater meat,' 
'boobs'...happy 'hon(i)kers'?

(The 'ubu' and the 'vagina')

It's OK if one mentions 
the U word in Art.
Oh, if only we'd see it,* 
and take it to heart.
There were days when the V word 
was strictly forbidden.
Then enter'd Eve Ensler. 
Now, nothing's left hidden.
     * E.g., "Ubu Roi," the theatre- 
of-the-absurd drama by Jarry.

(The 'why' and the 'XXX')

The W word: 
that it's banned is half lie:
it's both outlawed and urged -- 
do (or don't) query, "Why?" --
while the X word's avoided 
when doubled and tripled
in ratings of cinema  
penis'd and nippl'd.

(The 'yoni' and the 'zoff')

The Y word? In Sanskrit, 
it's eas'ly avoided:
Max Wertheimer didn't, 
but Maslow and Freud did. 
Comes, lastly, the Z word. 
Suppressed? No! No! Uttered                    
by me,* well aware on which 
side my bread's buttered).
     * That's the main reason why 
the Z word gets mentioned a dozen 
times during the verse parody 
"Let's Call the Whole Thing 'Zoff'! -- 
a PWWL post from January of 2012)

"My Auroraborealphabet comprises twenty-six..."The Abecedarian's Abecedarium: A Constrained Alphabet of Alphabets in Rhyme

My Auroraborealphabet 
comprises twenty-six
atmospheric curiosities 
in Technicolor pics.

My Bacchanalphabet delights 
in rites of Dionysus.
For ‘S’ the matter’s satyr plays. 
For ‘I’ the subject's ISIS.

My chapbook, Chaparralphabet
shows six and twenty plants.
Each blooms in northern Baja, 
there its scrubland to enhance.

My so-called Donegalphabet 
commends the Em’rald Isle.
(I wrote as well a Dalphabet

My gem, my Emmentalphabet, 
unfurled a world of cheese:
Areeshes through Zanetti parmigianos. 
(Jeez! No Bries!)

I penned a Femmefatalphabet. 
Dark ladies shape its theme:
those Mses who emasculate, 
those Mrses who scheme.

Apace I traced my Galphabet 
of naughty girls and nice.
I proffer'd them, should not 
my Femmefatalphabet suffice.

Please don’t forget Halalphabet. 
It features food taboos.
Okay are artichokes and ziti. 
Not okay is booze.

My International’phabet 
posts patriotic songs.
Some ten plus two require kazoo. 
(Just one needs Chinese gongs.)

You might enjoy Joualphabet
My trips to Montreal
exposed me to their language blue – 
in Quebecoisey drawl.

My curious Kanalphabet 
portrays the manhole covers
of Polish cities – twenty-six! – 
much rummaging discovers.

In viewing my LoCalphabet
do dieters explore
the benefits of kelp and grits? 
They do, for less is more.

My Mygalsalphabet corrals 
those gals with punk reputes –
tarts, hookers, slags, streetwalkers, hags, 
loose women, prostitutes.

Behold Neanderthalphabet! 
Ancestral tales it tells –
from Australos through salmon roes 
to simple single cells. 

My Freud'an Oedipalphabet 
lists psychoanalytical
complexes in a nexus.
(Some folks say I'm hypocritical.) 

My Pastoralphabet portrays 
poetical bucolics
where shep- and cowherds schlep through cow turds.
Frolics. Rollics. Bollix!

( a work in progress) 











Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...