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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Whose Stuff Is This?

Veronica queries:
"Which rivers are Lake's...?"
Hawkins, who's hungry, asks:
"Which rice is Bean's...?"
Minh's Q&A kicks in:
"Which pimps are Ho's...?"
Autry needs answers: 
"Which T-shirts are Gene's...?"

Rex (or Rhodes) would "requestigate": 
"Which rhymes are Reason's...?
McDaniel's most curious: 
"Which fins are Hattie's...?"
The guy stocking Cheese Whiz asks:
"Which art is Kraft's...?"
Kay the journalist queries:
"Which doggies are Katty's...?"

Here's Lucy, who needles us:
"Which bats are Ball's...?"
Arthur's exam question...?
"Which birds are Bea's...?"
Is it Axl who's "axing" us: 
"Which guns are Rose's...?"...?
Diddy demands to know:
"Which beans are P's...?"

Why'd Wendy's pal Peter pry:
"Which pots are Pan's...?"...?
Is tell-tale Talese quizzing:
"Which straits are Gay's...?"...?
'Tis Latifa who "-terrogates": 
"Which kinks are Queen's...?"
Later, Leno's lips look for:
"Which PBs are Jay's...?"

Ms Bono...? She don' know:
"Which tables are Cher's...?"
Alexander asks everyone:
"Which hams are Haig's...?"
Mrs. Wood lets her lawyer ask: 
"Which lyin's Tiger's...?"
 Andy, footballer, bawls,
"Which arms are Legg's...?"

Billy enjoins us:
"Which sodas are Sunday's...?"
Kung Fu staple Luke asks us:
"Which lox are Keye's...?"
Former Remington lead asks:
"Which irons are "Steele's...?"
Hoopster Rollins's question...?
"Which flowers are Tree's...?"

As Sean of the films asks:
"Which pencils are Penn's...?"
Actor Stephen, a Brit, begs:
"Which burgers are Fry's...?"
Jazzman Adams, on bari, pumps:
"Which salt is Pepper's...?"
While Madison's wondering:
"Which gals are Guy's...?"

Homeboy Harv cross-examines:
"Which cookies are Milk's...?"
Tomboy Doris investigates:
"Which knights are Day's...?"
Could Cornell put the screws to us:
"Which yeast be West's...?"...?
'Course! And Joel could lob follow-ups:
"Which blues are Grey's...?"

Mr. Ziegfeld's exam question...?
"Which ebbs are Flo's...?"
So: O'Neill has one, too; it's:
"Which wages are Tip's...?"
Here's a gabby Greek sage grilling:
"Which shoes are Soc's...?"
Henry Gates picks our brains with his:
"Which fish are Chip's...?"

Actor Charles wants to ask about:
"Which songs are Dance's...?"
Ms. Derek still puzzles: 
"Which arrows are Bo's...?"
Meanwhile, Peter's arch foe asks:
"Which ladders are Hook's...?"
U.K.'s C.P.'s Q/A'ing with:
"Which reigns are Snow's...?"
Poet Robert's petition's put:
"Which goods are Service's...?"
Alan of Shane's suit...?
"Which lasses are Ladd's...?"
Judy Garland and Sisters seek: 
"Which teeth are Gumm's...?"
Mr. Pitt (not Elaine's) plea...?
"Which staples be Brad's...?"

(More "Stuff" to come? Possibly...possibly.)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...