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Wednesday, August 21, 2019


At ABCs, girl, I’m your boy.
Heads up! Achtung! Take heed! Ahoy!
I'll sev'ral (twenty six) deploy.
An A fronts ‘Arundhati Roy.’
A B initiates ‘bok choy.’
A C gives birth to ‘corduroy.’
A D begins (sans ‘t’) ‘Detroi-.’
Edging forward, I employ
both E and F for ‘Eddie Foy.’
A G, in Yiddish, opens ‘goy’
plus half of Boorman’s “Hope and Glo’y.”
An H initials ‘hoi polloi’
and ‘Helen’ (formerly of Troy).
I takes the lead in ‘Illinois.’
(It also sets up ‘Iroquois.’)
A J…? It’s just to jump-start ‘joy.’
A K begins not ‘carp’ but ‘koi.’
An L…? ”The Thin Man”’s Myrna Loy.
An M heads Beckett’s play “Molloy.”
Annoyingly, N’s not for ‘noy,’
But O (sans ‘l’) opes ‘Olive Oy-.’
A P heads Rumpole’s ‘Pomeroy.’
Q leads not ‘Matsu,’ just ‘Quemoy.’
An R initiates ‘Rob Roy.’
An S inaugurates ‘St. Croix’
and stomps its impress on ‘Savoy.’
Two Ts to T trigger ‘Tinker Toy.’
A U starts ‘Ubu Roi.’ (Think 'Roy.')
A V…? V launches ‘Vice-er-roy.’
To kick off ‘weiner’ (saveloy),
a W one must employ.
An X prompts…not much. (As a ploy,
friends recommend the word ‘xystoi.’)
A Y leads ‘yo un nino soy.’
(From where I sit that’s “I’m your boy.”)
Last, lest these crambos start to cloy,
a Z originates ‘Zoy Zoy.’
Now: do I hear an “Atta boy!”…?

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...