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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Haven't You Read...? Daddy Is Dead! or, Anticipatory R.I.P. II: another excerpt from "The Posthumous Papers of the Wigg'd Pig Club:

     CNN 9/20/23: Drumpf Jr.'s X account hacked. 
Bogus "Jr." reports father's death and his ("Jr's") 
plann'd presidential run in '24.

Daddy is dead! (Kraits* in Dad's bed...? 
     Shots to Dad's head...? Fatally bled...?)   
          *Venomous snakes
Daddy is dead. (Fiercely force-fed...? 
     Poison'd with lead...? Fox hasn't said.)
Daddy is dead. (Cadet* in Dad's bread...? 
     Snuff'd by the Fed...? Hung in the shed...?)   
          *Deadly herbicide

Dad's indeed dead! (Rent to a shred...? 
     Garrotted instead...? AIDS...? (Still it's widespread.))
Daddy is dead. (Clubb'd at Club Med 
     by hit men named Ned who, eventu'lly, fled...?) 
Daddy is dead. (Skipp'd his Phys Ed...? 
     Middle-age spread to Dad's suicide led...?)

It's said, Daddy's dead! (Books in the red...? 
     Plea deals Dad pled still hung by a thread...?)
Daddy is dead. (Did evils Dad bred -- 
     from alpha to zed -- bode prison ahead...?
Nope! Daddy is dead 'cuz Dad ran out o' cred. 
     That being said, now it's me you need dread.)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...