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Friday, November 6, 2020

Note the Coat: An Accumulation For Queneau (from "Exercises in Style: The Poetic Supplement," Number 261)

Notice the manteau de Jacques.

Note the lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Notice the button (it's off sev'ral spaces) 
defacing the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note the new button which, if nicely placed 
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note the chic colleague (a man Milan-based) 
who's suggesting a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Notice the space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where a colleague cum critic (most trend-setters are), 
stands suggesting a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note Monsieur Jacques (I've ignored him so far) 
just arrived at the space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where his trend-setting colleague (a binary star...?) 
stands suggesting a button which, if nicely placed 
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note how the bus seat's abandon'd by Jacques
as the bus, rush-hour stuff'd, putt-i-putts up the block --  
that same Jacques whom, hours later, I spot in the space 
near the gare Saint-Lazare where Jacques' friend's face-to-face
while suggesting a button which, if nicely placed 
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note how the bus seat, first emptied, then nabb'd, 
now's abandon'd by Jacques (perhaps Jacques should have cabb'd),  
whom some two hours later I spot in the space 
near the gare Saint-Lazare where his friend face-to-face
stands suggesting the button which, if nicely placed 
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note the commuters vacating the bus, 
and the vacated seat (vacant seats prove a plus)
first-off emptied, then grabb'd, then abandon'd by Jacques,
whom some two hours later I spot up the block 
in that wide-open space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where Jacques' trend-setting colleague (a haut-couture czar) 
stands suggesting a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Notice Jacques' leg, jostled (ouch!) by commuters 
(displaying the cheek of Penelope's suitors)
vacating the bus and one occupied seat
which, now empty, Jacques grabs then abandons (Vite! Vite!),
Jacques who two hours later I spot up the block 
in that wide-open space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where his trend-setting colleague, his jacket ajar,
stands suggesting a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Note the fedora, with string for a band,
on a head perch'd atop a neck (length...? Sev'ral hand!)
of frère Jacques -- him whose leg, jabb'd 'n' jogg'd by commuters
(behaving as rubes do in Checkers 'n' Hooters)
vacating the bus and one occupied seat
which, now empty, Jacques grabs then abandons (repeat),
Jacques who two hours later I spot up the street 
in that wide-open space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where his trend-setting colleague (post parking his car) 
stands suggesting a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Notice the platform, array'd 'round the rear
of the Contrescarpe-Champerret bus like a pier, 
onto which I have clamber'd while noting a chap,
one who's sporting a string-for-a-band sorta cap
and, as riders charge past, charges one fellow rider
of jostling his leg like some phantom collider
(who, raised in the wild, paid no heed to his tutors)
ignoring each unconcern'd rush-hour commuters
vacating the bus -- and the occupied seat
which, now empty, he snatches, then makes his retreat,
whom some two hours later I spot up the street 
in that wide-open space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where his trend-setting colleague I spot from afar
standing broaching a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Notice yours truly whose verse I premier
by ascending the platform engaging the rear
of the Contrescarpe-Champerret bus like a pier 
onto which I have clamber'd while noting a chap
who is sporting a string-for-a-band brand of cap
and, as riders charge past, charges one fellow rider
of jostling his leg like some phantom collider
(who, raised in the wild, paid no heed to his tutors) 
ignoring the unconcern'd rush-hour commuters
vacating the bus and th'unoccupied seat
which he grabs then abandons (once more I repeat),
whom some two hours later I spot up the street 
in the wide-open space near the gare Saint-Lazare 
where his trend-setting colleague, who holds his sitar,
stands suggesting a button which, if nicely placed
just adjacent that button so awkwardly spaced, 
will embellish the velvet lapel which embraces 
the manteau de Jacques.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...