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Sunday, March 29, 2020

A No-Nonsense Solicitation in the Time of CoronaV

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Eggcentricity IV: More Egg Salad with Fragments of Nonsense

Southern White House:

(more than a fragment)

A initials ‘alter ego’:
mon ami y mi amigo.
A’s as well ‘another you’ –
one boastin' bubbe’s eyebrows, nu…?

B initials ‘body double’:
brooks all brunts in times o’ trouble.
B’s, as well, for ‘blizniak.’*
(Too late to send that brother back.)
     * Polish for ‘twin.’

C initials ‘corollary.’
One’s okay; a second’s scary.
C is also for the ‘clone.’
(So nice to know we’re not alone!)

D initials ‘dvyniai.’*
(The elder’s straight; the younger’s bi-)
D’s, as well, for ‘dopplegang.’
That’s twice – at least! – the postman rang.
     * Lithuanian for ‘twin.’

E’s for ‘extra pair of hands.’
He goes to bat. He understands.
E’s, as well, for ‘evil twin.’
Take care! ‘Sno telling where she’s been.

F initials ‘faithful friend,’
one’s kemo sabe. Hands he’ll lend.
F is also for the ‘fetch.’*
Which kid’s the khaver, which the kvetch…?
     * An Irish supernatural double.

G initials ‘gemini.’
(One pair I know’s named Clem ‘n’ Cy.)
G’s, as well, for ‘gimoozaabi.’*
(Etymology’s my hobby.)
      * Ojibwe and Potawatomi for “he/she
looks out in secret.”

H initials ‘hologram.’
Both boys; both bald. (One sports a tam.)
H is for the Hortons* (Tom
and Addie), famous soaps phenom.
     * Cf “Days of Our Lives.”

I’s for ‘ihmiskaksoset.’*
A pickle to pronounce…? You bet
I is for the ‘Ito teens,’**
of Nippon Pop they’re former queens.
     * It may be Finnish. It may be Chinese.
It has something to do with twinship.
     **Cf Nippon Girls 2

J’s the letter for ‘jumeau.’
(Have I the accent right…? Who’d know!)
J is for ‘Johansson,’ too.
Young Hunter’s Scarlett’s twin. (Who knew…?)

K’s the letter for ‘karoha,’
twin from Samar (not Samoa).
K is also for ‘kembar,’
heard mispronounced on NPR.

L initials ‘lookalike.’
(Is not Kid Two the cuter tyke…?)
L is also for the ‘likeness’ –
equal parts sauvage and tykeness.

M is for the ‘mirror image.’
Each exchange with him’s a scrimmage.
M’s, as well, for ‘matching set.’
Brings meanings new to ‘tete-a-tete.’

N is for the ‘‘nother self.’
Each crows, “My bro’s a freakin’ elf.”
N is for the ‘Norvo girls.’*
(That‘s Mim and Liv to you, you churls.)

O is for ‘one’s opp’site number.’
One is dumb and Two is dumber.
O is for the ‘Olsen twins.’
Much like the Norvos, for their sins.

P initials the ‘pretender.’
One’s of unspecific gender.
P is for the ‘Polish pair.’*
These twins make films. Pretend to care.
     * Children born in the same year but not twins

Q initials the ‘quintuplet.’
Pair’d’s a triplet with a couplet.
Q is for the Brothers ‘Quay.’
They’re into film and puppet play.

R is for ‘reciprocal.’
One sib is hip; one sib is dull.
R initials, too, ‘reflection.’
Viva natural selection!

S is for the ‘symbiont.’*
(Can you name ev’ry Dax…? I cahn’t)
S is for the ‘surrogate.’
Resemblances seem clear…somewhat.
     * A symbiotic lifeform in the Star Trek world.

T is for the ‘Tweedle brothers.’
Think of Dick and Tommy Smothers.
T’s for ‘twin’ as well as ‘tvilling’:
flesh and spirit both unwilling.

U initials ‘Ubermensch,’
the better self (in Deutsch, not French).
U’s, as well, for ‘ut’rine double.’
Both survive…within a bubble.

V’s for ‘verisimilar’ –
not fine when Heinrich Himmilar.
V’s, as well, for ‘vardøger.’
To play the twin’s been hard on ‘er.

W’s for ‘Weatherbee.’*
He’s Tony’s twin. A wether, he.
W’s, too, for ‘wulawa.’**
Both simulacra drool, their flaw.
     * Tony and Waldo Weatherbee in Archie Comics universe.
     ** Footnote to come

X…? For ‘xystos’ and for ‘xyst.’
Both language doublets. (Don’t get piss’d.)
X is for the ‘Xerox copy.’
(She’s so slick. Why’s he so sloppy…?)

Y is for the ‘Young named Will.’*
Twin Rupert fills this double bill.
Y initials ‘yokalogue.’
This pair’s enough to choke a blog.
     * Depressive twin of Pop Idol’s Rupert.

Z’s the letter for the ‘zwilling.’
Two’s okay; three may prove chilling.
Z…? ‘Zikarskys,’ Bjorn und Bengt.*
Enough with twins. My vision’s spent.
     * Footnote to come.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...