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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Peter Pantoum: a Petit Paean to PB&J

Halleluja! Hip hip hooray! PB&J!
Found grounded in ground peas well-ground into butter
o'erlaid with a layer of jelly. Ole!
Your sandwich...? Tres rich! My papillae...? Aflutter.

Found grounded in ground peas well-ground into butter.
One layer of jelly; one layer of Jif
(your sandwich...? Tres rich! My papillae...? Aflutter)
twixt slices of Wonder Bread. Give us a whiff!

One layer of jelly; one layer of Jif
(some spread Peter Pan -- either crunchy or smooth)
betwixt slices of Wonder Bread. Give us a whiff!
Such comfort food's proud of its power to soothe.

Some spread Peter Pan -- either crunchy or smooth --
and then add mash'd bananas (an Elvis, it's call'd).
Such comfort food's proud of its power to soothe.
And the fans of The King dine completely enthrall'd --

all who add mash'd bananas (an Elvis, it's call'd).
Or just jam, and the butter from peanuts, and bread.
And the fans of The King die completely enthrall'd.
OK, PB&J! On fad food I'd be fed!

Postface: a pantoum is the name assigned any 
of a series of poetic forms based on the Malay 
pantum. Cf two posts below for schematics and 
a brief intro to the structure of the form.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...