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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mute Court or Upending Amendments: the Four Freedoms: A Constrained Rhyme

The Kremlin he’s lootin’: that’s Vladimir Putin.
He’s point guards recruitin’: that’s Coach Morgan Wootten.
At Putin we're hootin.' For Morgan we're rootin.'
But freedom of speech Donald's courts ain't salutin.' 

His horn he’s self-tootin’: that's Grigor' Rasputin.
When movies not shootin,’ Dors* draws drafts in Luton.
For Dors we are rootin’; at Grigor' we’re hootin,'
But freedom of worship down "christians" are shootin.'
     * UK film star Diana Dors occasionally worked as a publican.

Past second he’s scootin’: that's Mil-town's** Bill Bruton.
With Leibniz disputin’ be piss'd Isaac Newton.
For Bruton we're rootin'; at Newton we're hootin.'
But freedom from want Don's colluders ain't mootin.'
     ** Milwaukee -- specifically the Milwaukee Braves baseball team.

His mummified suit in lies ol’ -khamun, Tutan-.
A tad highfalutin’? That’s -- mispronounced! -- Grooton.***
At Grooton we're hootin’; for Tutan- we’re rootin.'
But freedom from fear all Don's bruitin's are mutin.'
     *** Here of necessity not pronounced as it properly is, i.e., 'grahtin.'

M*me's the Word: A Constrained Nonsense Rhyme

‘Mame’’s the word for Mrs. Burnside.
Patrick* calls her Auntie Mame.
She savors savants; snobs she spurns. I’d
label ‘Mame’ another meme.
     * Patrick Dennis, author of Auntie Mame.
‘Meme’’s the word for ‘culture force.’
Pure Dawkins, dreaming up a name
for surd, gefelte fish, wild horse.
This meme’s immense, the mother meme.

‘Mime’’s the word for imitate. 
Stan Laurel played the apeing game
with Ollie, first in silent state.
This ‘mime’’s a slapstick brother meme.

‘Mome’’s the word for ‘lost one’s way.’
The Rev’rend Carroll’s most to blame.
“Do mome raths grabe?” one asks today.
This ‘mome’s’ a “had his druther” meme.

‘Mume’* (not ‘mum’’s) my word. I coined
it Friday last. It’s been my dream
to, lest its usage be enjoined,
pinch hit for ev’ry other meme,
to focus, like a laser beam,
my “other-memes-to-smother” meme,
my “memes can go no 'futher'” meme.
(I hope ‘mume’ grows and picks up steam.)
     * Pronounced “myum” and not to be confused
with ‘mu-ME,’ a species of Japanese apricot.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...