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Thursday, October 31, 2024

MAGA Wish Upon A Star; Or, Once Orange Jesus...

Once Orange Jesus gets his way, we lot become elite. 
Once we're elite, we march to no egalitarian beat.
Once we're elite, we sucker punch each stable soul we meet...
...nor leave our 6th of January love-in incomplete.

Once Orange J is holdin' sway, we lot become elite.
Once we're elite, we exile ev'ry immigrant to Crete.
Once we're elite, we cherish chaff; we 86 our wheat...
...and national abortion bans we -- finally --  complete. 

Once Orange J has had his say, we lot become elite. 
Once we're elite, we back the Klan...nor do we need a sheet.
Once we're elite, mass shootings wane (each citizen packs heat)...
...and children see they're free to be a lyin,' thievin' cheat.

Once Orange J has seized the day, we lot become elite.
Males (christian, white and far, far right) shall dwell on Easy Street.
We womanize 'n' chew our plug 'n' chug Wild Turkey neat.
We do all this 'n' more: we be the GOP elite!

"Che"mical Wedding: Another Twelve Iconic Cuban Revolutionaries


     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary 
Ernesto "Che" Guevara 

     Twelve "Che"quivalents

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Final Act Resolution Device 
Deus Ex Ma"Che"na 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Dancing Shark Moll 
"Che"ta Rivera 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Hollywood Simian 
"Che" Fred Muggs 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Rumpolesque Pulp Immortal 
"Che" Who Must Be Obeyed 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Female Tarzan  
"Che"na Queen of the Jungle 

    Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Nihilist 
Frederick Nietz"Che" 

    Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Literary Bedevil'd Soul 
"Che"bez Stone 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Irish Poet 
"Che"mus Heaney 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Hopheads 
"Che"ch & Chong 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Old Bag 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Borscht Belt Regular 
"Che"cky Greene 

     Iconic Cuban Revolutionary Zappa Arabian
"Che"ik Yerbouti 


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...