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Monday, June 26, 2023

The Anagrammatical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

"A Scandal in Bohemia" >>>  "Shame on Icbaal and I"

     Doctor John H. Watson, M.D, formerly of the 66th (Berkshire) Regiment of 
Foot, had first made the acquaintance of Waleed Icbaal (the doctor employed 
this Anglicized spelling of his friend's name -- as opposed to the more-frequently 
encountered Iqbal, Eqbal, Ikbal or Eghbal -- in his subsequent narration of the 
non-military adventure the two were later to share) in 1880, when the pair, 
both then serving with the British forces in India, found themselves bedridden, 
assigned adjacent cots in a remote field hospital while recovering from wounds 
received at the Battle of Maiwand earlier that year. 
     Summarily Watson returned to England aboard the troopship HMS Orontes 
and within a year had begun to share lodgings with consulting detective Mr. 
Sherlock Holmes at their soon-to-be-famous 221B Baker Street address. The 
doctor had, for the better part of a decade, by then lost contact with Sri Icbaal 
(for this was the title of respect the Pakistani had earned during the intervening 
years) -- until the frigid morning late in 1891 when sari-clad, great-coated 
young woman claiming to be Sri Icbaal's patnee (his wife in his and that lady's 
native land) was shown by the doctor's landlady Mrs. Hudson into the presence 
of Watson and Holmes bearing a softly mewling tightly-swaddled infant and what 
would prove to be a most singular request...

"The Red-Headed League" >>> 
>>> "Ed Read, Laugh'd, 'Tee-Hee!'"

"A Case of Identity" >>> 
>>> "A Fetid Yeast Coin"

"The Boscombe Valley Mystery" >>> 
>>> "Bombe Meals...? Very Costly, They!"

"The Five Orange Pips" >>> 
>>> "I Never Fight As Pope."

"The Man with the Twisted Lip" >>> 
>>> "Wet Wilted Hatpins Hit Them"

"The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" >>> 
>>> "Truth, Uncle...? The Breed Can Be of Value"

"The Adventure of the Speckled Band" >>>
>>> Added He Eleven Pucks for a Tenth...? TBD"

"The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb" >>>
>>> "Beneath the Seventh Duet of Mr. Uniger"

"The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor" >>>
>>> "Hanover, Che, Before the Ballet 'Donut'"

"The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet" >>>
>>> "By Order of Eve, the Real Tenth Count"

"The Adventure of the Copper Beeches" >>>
>>> "Per: the E Bourée, the CFO's PVC...and Thee"

     (Extended incipits to come: a work in progress)

Typos: Elephantz Gerald


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