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Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 36: Come a Ki Yi Yippee...

     Ep. 36: A P A L O O Z C: Ap’alooz’ “C”

Hot on horses with spots 'cross coats white...?
Appaloosa “A”…? “Zip Cochise”: right…?
Damon’s “Cowboy”’s horse “B.”
“Cojo Rojo”’s steed “D.”
Still, Ap’alooz’ “C” spurs delight!

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 35: Off the Pigs!

     Ep. 35: L A Z O A C O P: “Lazo a Cop!”
On Antifa’s bandwagon you’d hop…?
All that's lacking's some crack agitprop,
chants which show less caprice
than “Defund the police!”
“Nuke all narks!”…? “Fuck fuzz!”…? “Lazo a cop!”…?

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 34: Azc and It Shall Be Given

     Ep, 34: A Z C A O O L P: Azc a Oolp  

If you want to know where lipos shit
quiz a lipo: ‘twill say, "Dish year pit.”
To learn more 'bout beasts' dung,
azc a oolp, in the tongue
it speaks: Oolpese. (What's spoken's now writ.)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...