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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Plays' 'For' Plays or A Stupundous ABBBCedarian's Delight -- from PlaysWellWithLetters

A's 'For A Faceful of Dolors.' 
Ad interim, B is ‘for Beto for verse.’
C...? C's ‘for cryin' -- nowt loud nor nowt terse.’
Meantime, D’s 'for Drumpf's fo(u)r-door'd Ford hearse.' 

E is ‘for "End Sick Pathology!"’
And, for now, F's 'fo(u)r fifths gin, fo(u)r fifths Jello.' 
G...? G's ‘forgetting that Carmelo's* yellow 
(for Herr J's** a jolly good fellow!).’

I's 'For it's one, two and three strikes: your routed!' 
while J is 'for Jon's son, the playwright.'
K forklifts forks from the road (makes 'em lay right),' 
and L is ‘for love lost in daylight.’

M is ‘for me, my RC ‘n’ my gal.’
N's ‘for nuns: they are none of the'bove.’ 
O...? O's ‘for once in your life lettuce love.’
Meanwhile, P's ‘for Pete's sake, Guv, don't shove!’

Q is 'For Queen 'n' for Qountry!' 
R is 'for "Rent, sailor! Lease!"'
S is ‘For such is the King Dome of heaven.’*** 
(Shh-h-h-h! T's 'for the secret police.') 

U is ‘For unto us chill'd wrens are born.’
V is 'for very low cost.' 
W's 'For Whom the Bell Tolls. ('Tain't for Frost.)' 
X is 'for Xenofrost, gloss’d.'

Y...? Y's ‘for your ice, a loan.’
Whereas Z is 'Del (Forza) Destino.'
(& is 'for ampersand, naturellino…'
and my last denoumentarino.) 

     * NBA all stars Carmelo Anthony and Julius 

Erving are referenced with Dr. J, misidentified 
here as Herr J  -- see footnote below. 
    ** Not to be confused with Tintin's father 
Herge but referring instead to the personage 
encountered in the stanza following
       *** Some critics note a failure of form here, 
while the author considers it the clinamen that 
proves it's cool.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...