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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Carpe Diembryo! A Half Dozen Eggcentregg Ovaviews (Clutch Seggs)

   To view an imegge 
   larger, click on it.

    The Winnebeggo

    In Navaho it means "Great-Egg-
    Its window screen displays decals
    which boast of where it's been.


This alter'd ball you strive to hit.
You strike; you swipe. You slap; you swat.
But do you e'er connect with it...?
No, you do not. No, you do not.

Caviar Xugat

As light-brown as a Cuban claro,
SeƱor Xugat married Charo.
Wedded, too, to Abbe Lane,
his tango -- last -- he danced in Spain.

Gegger Counter

If the egg comes from a chicken,
"..tick, tick, tick..." the counter's clickin.'
If the egg comes from a duck,
the counter clicks, "cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck..."

WEinfrey & WEight

Harpo's Ovah...? 
Pegg in clova.
Hair...? Begg! Bucks...? Begg!
(Begg all ova.)


   "How!" ("...d'ya like yer eggs,") asks he.
   Which side up...? The side that's sunny...?
   Soft-boil'd...? Minutes two...? Or three...?
   And should yer yolks be hard or runny...?"

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...