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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Still More Brewers: two more of an eventual twenty three portraits...


with wine
in krater

Lew Bryson
with whiskey
in shot glass

Papal Pap; or. Apocryphal Papas

     Here are several pretend clerihews identifying 
     a selection of antipopes, conclavists, sedevacantists, 
     sedeprivationists, mysticalists, episcopi vagantes, 
     quasi-cardinal-nephews, traditionalist Catholics, 
     independent Catholics, Catholic charismatics and 
     other RC pretenders.

David Allen Bawden
plodded paths less-trodden.
Calling himself Pope Michael the 
this real estate agent, e-
lected the pope on Ju-
ly the 16th, 19-
90, by laymen as-
sembl'd in David's folks' 
fam'ly's small thrift store in 
Belvue, a small burg in 
Kansas, post which he con-
tinued to live with his 
parents until, in the
year '22, David's  
conclavist bubble got

Clemente Dominguez y Gomez,
whose perception was blatantly low-res,
is the seventeenth pope with the Gregory 
Gomez claim'd to've received appa-
ritions from Jesus as 
well as the Virgin -- i-
ronical, that, since the 
former insurance man 
lost both his eyeballs, this
due to a car crash, which 
didn't, however... 

     (more to come: a work in progress) 


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...