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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Goin' for Broken (Past)

     Are there 
aught that can can-can 
while corn row'd…? Our Bo* can,
whose actions of late...?
Given over to...boinkin,'
which just goes to show 
how our planet’s been broken.
     * Derek, i.e.
     Who can 
Bray, "Hate-fill'd honkeys: 
Be happy!"...? Glenn Beck can.
Beck's brews make Fox News: 
"Dopplebunk in one's beer can."
What better to show 
how our plan’s badly broken...?
     In these 
circles of hell, tell me: 
"Where shines a beacon...?"
What comes with my scramble's 
no rashers of bacon:
such cola* just show: 
La planet's been broken."

     * Per cola and commata -- 
i.e., through clauses and phrases.
     What sur-
vives global warming...? 
One boasts, "Bot'ny Bay can!"
Glenn Gould's good at rags, 
tho' Glenn does throw some Bach in:
Lord knows that this shows 
how our planet's bent, broken.
hawk can't make honey. 
Here's hoping his bee can.
Where's home run's first home...? 
In New Jersey (Hoboken):
Such hoopla helps hon
how our planet's been broken.
rows 'roun’ the Rhine 
lettin' Loreleis beckon…?
Astraddle my Schwinn, 
like the win' I’ll be bikin.'  
I'd barter for cousins 
but never would buy kin --
all go but to show 
how our planet be broken.
bakin,’ there’s balkin.’ 
There’s bookin’ and buckin.’
There’s “Back in!” There’s Bic kin. 
There’s barkin’ and bulkin.’
There’s Birkin the handbag 
and Birkin the Jane.
All go but to show 
our earth’s broken terrain.
(there’s Balkins, as well).
There’s brakin.’ 
There’s kin, both of bear and of boar.
There’s Boykin the spaniel, 
with damp-doggie smell.
Our planet’s so broken, 
I’m sure there's lots more.

Eggcentric Artists an ABC (Unpub)

Auguste Roedin

Brueggel the Elder

Claude Monegg

Dieggo Roeufira

Eggar Deggas

Friedegg Kahlo

George “Egg” O’Keefe

Henri de Touloeuf-Lautregg

Ineggo Jones

Joan Miroe

Kregg Adams

Leonardo d’Oeufinci

Marc Cheggall

Norman Roeckwell

Oeuf de Villeneuovo

Pablo Peggasso


Rene Meggritte

Salvador Dalegg

Thomas Eggkins

Umberto Basseggnani

Vincent van Eggogh



Yureggo Yamaguchi

Zoe Belloeuf

“Oy!” of “Olé!” (Past)

Enjoy (I must!) 
your OyyoFest, my boy!
(You hold ‘tis held 
in an arroyo…? Oy!)
Fast food for Friday: 
Friday’s feast…? Fried hay -- 
fried hay which may
at last, my vast hide fray.   
There’s oodles (Ouch!
of ‘O’s that act like echos.
And look: those 'O's 
spot crooked rooks and geckos.  
I'd land (Avast! Ahoy!
on odd O Island --
which land's, though high and dry, 
not nigh to my land.  
Let her lick Lorne's love letter…? 
Nyet! She’s wet!
Still, let her! Who licks better…? 
(Few lick wetter!)  
“Mere roars can't crack curved mirrors,” 
write some blighters.
“My tears bathe bishops' mitres,” 
cite knights’ writers.
Some myrrh, Mère
adds allure 
to summer dress shirts.     
Dessert…?  Deserted doughnuts 
dunk’d in deserts.
One two-day leave, eh…
Yay! Let's leave today!
Has Herman, unarm’d, 
harm’d her, man…? Ole!   

It's a Riot (Unpub)

Two Centuries of Premiers 
Accompanied by Audience Rioting
and the Number of Years Between Events

1        Hernani   Victor Hugo   Feb. 25, 1830   Paris
+ 8     Benvenuto Cellini   Hector Berlioz   Sept. 10, 1838   Paris
+ 23   Tannhauser   Richard Wagner   1861   Paris
+ 35   Ubu Roi   Alfred Jarry   Dec. 10, 1896   Paris
+ 11   The Playboy of the Western World   John M. Synge   Jan. 26, 1907   Dublin
+ 6     Altenberg Lieder   Alban Berg   Mar. 31, 1913   Vienna
+ 1/6  Le Sacre du Printemps   Igor Stravinsky   May 29, 1913   Paris
+ 4     Parade   Erik Satie   May 18, 1917   Paris
+ 9     The Plough and the Stars   Sean O’Casey   Feb. 11, 1926    Dublin
+ 3/4  The Miraculous Mandarin   Bela Bartok   Nov. 27, 1926   Cologne
+ 4    The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny  Weil and Becht   1930  Leipzig
+ 24   Deserts   Edgard Varese   Dec. 2, 1954   Paris
+ 19   Four Organs   Steve Reich   Jan. 18, 1973   New York
+ 20   Aeschylus’s The Persians (Gulf War Version)   Robert Auletta   1993   LA

Foodlums for Thought (Unpub)

Fred ("Two Chins, He") Alfredo

Ignatius ("Iggs") Benedict

Charles ("Chic") N. Cacciatori

Barbara Q. Dribbs

Pamela ("Apple Pam") Dowdy


Charles ("Chic") N. van D'Lou

Erica ("Shrimp") DeJonge 

T. Boone ("Stake") Esterhazy

Gawain ("Bananas") Foster 

Suzanne ("Sue") Flye-Pye


H. ("Bombe") Grimaldi 

O. "Mel" Lette-St. Hubert

Timothy ("Timbales") Irving 

West ("Orange") Julius

Alphonse ("Chicken Allie") King


L. L. ("Crab Louie") Lowey

Nell E. ("Peaches") Melba

Newton ("Lobster") Newberg

I. DeHoh ("Potatoes") O'Brien

Russell ("Rissoles") Pompadour


Augustus ("Gus") Pacho

Rosie ("Poached") Quince

Sophie ("Souffle") Rothschild

Flannery ("Flan") Sagan

O. Bert Gene ("Moose") Sakah


C. ("Biscuit") Tortoni

Millicent-Gertrude ("Millie-Gert") Tawney

Bertha ("Squabs") Umberto

Victor ("Celery") Victorio

Susannah ("Sue") Vlackey


Edward Kennedy ("Biff") Wellington 

Francis ("Potageala") Xavier

Pamela ("Yams") de Santas

Theresa de Lisieux Y Avila  

Vegetarians (Unpub)

     And one or two fruitful folk. 

Candide Yamz 

Hari Coe-Vere
Les Herpes 
Kay Ritz

Scilla Rhee
R. Vocaddo
Dan Joupare

Callie Flauer
Zeke Heeney
Walter Mellon

Q. Comber
I. Sperg-LeDiss
Harve Ur-d’Beete
Carl R. d’Green
Curly N. Dyve
Art Hitchoke

Brock O’Leigh
Etta Mammie
Cal LeBash

Tom Maydough
Rose Merree


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...