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Thursday, March 22, 2018

'Allo, Al or the Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes (A Nonsense ABC)

I’m Alan Turing, crack at sums, but call me Al! ‘Allo there, chums.
At Arles (ask any ardent sergeant), alch’mists’ apelings ‘ave no argent. 

I’m Albert of Saxe-Coberg-Gotha, once dubb'd “Al, Prince Consort.” (Quotha!)
Bath’s the burg, Brits’ Baed’kers note: bare boatswains’ bairns bleat, “Blast! No boat!”

C’est moi? Alceste, le misanthrope. Je m’appelle Al. Mais oui; je mope.
How come? Because in Coromandel chandlers’ cubs cry, “Crap! No candle!”

I’m Aldhelm, Anglo-Latinist. Just call me Al. Do! I insist.
Down Deale way, where I’d duly ventured, dentists’ daughters die undentured.

I’m Alexander. (Ain’t I great?) Please call me Al. (It’s ‘Lex’ I hate.)
In Deale, despite laments and kvetchings, etchers’ enfants earn no etchings.

Alfalfa, masked? A “Stymie”d Rascal? I ain’t frickin’ Eddie Haskell.
Fact is: Frisco’s (also Berne’s), few florists’ fils effect no ferns.

I’m Algernon C. Swinburne, bard. My pen name’s ‘Al.’ See: here’s my card.
I’ve gazed, in Ghent, ‘pon ghastly scenes;: no grocers’ goslings garner greens.

I’m Al-Hakam, the Caliph, who you shall hail Al. (My eunuchs do.)
Heed Houston’s horrid habitats; her hatters’ half-pints have no hats.

I’m Ali Baba (God Is Great!) For short, it’s Al, and, may I state,
in Indore, indoors, it ain’t nice: its iceman’s imp cries, “I’ve no ice.”

I’m Al-Jons “Ste-Jeanne” Jones. At home, though, always Al. Our garden gnome
in Junee jeers at jaded folks whose jesters’ juniors jaw, “No jokes!”

I’m al-Khowarizmi. The babes just call me Al. When near the neighbs
of Kush, one kens (I know: it’s kloddish) klezmers’ kids keen, “Gosh! No Kaddish!”

I’m Allen Iverson, ex-Sixer. (Still, “The Answer” ain’t no Knick, sir.)
Lantz? Look close: a God loves jocks, no locksmith’s lambs be latchin’ locks.

I’m Almodad. My Dad’s called Smem. My nickname’s ‘Al.’ My apothegm?
Imagine mutts ‘mongst mack’s menages: moms’ mites moan, “I missed massages.”

I’m Allnut (“Nutz”) Chanel III. Mon nom est Al. In Nome, I’ve heard
(enough to know it’s not uncanny). Nursemaids’ nips? No naps! No nanny!

We’re Aloysius from Gonzaga. Call us Al! Attend our saga!
Oft in hard Falls, oft in soft Springs, oblates old disown odd offsprings.

I’m Alphonse, Comte de Poitiers. Foes pronounce it ‘Pal.’ (They’re otiose.)
Phnom Penh pals post re pit’ful scenes; “Poor penmen’s prog’ny pine, ‘No pen.’”

I’m Al Qosh Aref, from Iraq. So: call me Al. So: there’s this block
in Qatar where queer quarr’lsome sorts quote quarr’men’s quints, “Requir’ed: quit quartz!”

I’m Al (“Right!”) Braithewaite, ombudsman. That’s right: “Right”’s Al. He’s just begun
his reign in Rab, where rabble rale, “Yeah: ragmen’s runts rate rude regalia.”

I’m Alsace Hapsburg, billionaire. Al trades as Al. While in St. Clair,
Al spots sad scenes (so sad Al’s feeling): shoppers’ shrimps shan’t score sans stealing.

I’m Altair Browne, named for a star. ‘Tair’s true tag? Al. ‘Tair’s turf? Tokar,
where tough teen thugs maintain, through grins, that “tinkers’ tots touch (tsk!) no tins.”

I’m Alumemnon Silverstein, or Rabbi Al. I ought not whine
But…umps in Ur? Well- (usu’lly) cladded. Umpires’ urchins? Underpadded!

I’m Alvah, Duke of Edom. Friends: address me ‘Al’ What brings on bends?
In Vac, despite vast vineyards (Pinot), vintners’ virgins vaunt no vino.

I’m Alwin L. Jarreau. L.A., who calls me Al, would rue the day
Wa went way weird ‘n’ wild (no good!): whine woodsmen’s whelps, “Whoa! Where’s one’s wood?”

I’m Alxer (“Ox”) Kopay, a clone aka Al. Folks ask, “What’s flown?”
The xenagogue at Xau well knows: the xen’gogue’s xenettes’ xis and rhos.

Alypius (that’s me!) I chose the handle Al. Do you suppose
yon Yozgat’s just like Yap? You’ll learn: Yap’s yogi’s young’uns yen; they yearn.

I’m Alz-…Alzhiem-…Alz-… Don’t forget: I’m (let’s zee)…Al! (Zay! Haz we met?)
At Zamz, alzough zuch zeems zans-real, zere, zen priezts’ zipzterz? Zero zeal!


All the Aals (A Nonsense ABJ)

A is for all of the aals Al allows in Al's Salsa.

B is for bountiful bowels (burp!) betrayed by the aals Al allows in Al's Salsa.

C is for charming Czech chars cleaning crappers in bars badly fouled by brown’d bowels ("Bounty Toweled? Bloody aals!) Al allows in Al’s Salsa.

D's for some drei dozen dowels used deploying dry towels, towels consumed by Czech charwomen chary of bowels, bowels betrayed by the aals ("...BHA'd by the aals?") Al
allows in Al's Salsa.

E's for the erudite e-mails each evening sent females detained dragging dowels, drilling cores, dressed in cowls, all consumed by chic charwomen cautious 'round bowels,
bowels betrayed by the aals ("...ballonet'd by the aals?") Al allows in Al’s Salsa.

F's for flat files flaunting feminine wiles sent (in error) in e-mails to educate females who drill down through dowels, dandy cores for crimped t*w*ls (spelt employing
orthography using no vowels), towels consumed by Czech chars cleaning bathrooms in bars -- biker bars (bars called "Bubba's" or "Jolly Jack Tar's") whose bartenders and bouncers? Best kept behind bars -- big bars badgered and bothered and browbeat by bowels, bowels betrayed by the aals ("...Beaujolais'd by the aals?) Al allows in Al's Salsa.

G is, by golly, for gum gaily gnoshed by twin dumb femme fatalettes whose wiles fill pornography files sent in error by e-mail, enjoining each female, "Keep drilling those dowels, darn ya’ll!" -- [Deftly drilled dowels provide cores for the towels, and the ladies who drill, christened "Whores de la Towels," Al calls "borers of dowels"] -- mosty dowels for the towels, cloths consumed by chic chars (who arrive in fine cars) chary -- very! -- of bowels, bowels betrayed by the aals ("...buerre manie'd by the aals?") Al allows in
Al's Salsa.

H is for haberdashed hats hiding hundreds of cats whose guts ghouls grind for gum gaily gnoshed by some dumb femme fatalettes whose wiles found (unfiltered!) in files sent in error in e-mails to estrogen’d females who drill all those dowels -- done as cores for the towels, cloths consumed by chained chars forced to check any bowels badly trod on by aals ("...blah-blah-blah'd by the aals?") Al allows in Al's Salsa.

I is for indigo isles -- drained by Indigo Niles running through 'em like aisles -- I've inhabited, miles from the hundreds of hats hiding hundreds more cats from whose guts gals get gum gnoshed...again, clumsy dumb femme fatalettes whose wiles are finessed in fat files sent in error in e-mails to employees females! who drill all those dowels (disregard, please, their scowls) dowels consumed by chic chars, cool as cuc- ( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ) bowels been betrayed by the aals ("...Beau Marche'd by those aals?") Al allows in Al's Salsa.   
           * Lines indicated by asterisks represent a lacuna of eight beats occurring in the original.

J’s for…why, J's just the jails justly jammed by the males now indicted for stealing (plea's in; they're appealing) those hoards of fedoras 'neath which hide Angoras grim goons change to gum...and again, here's those dumb femme fatalettes whose wiles folks find featured in files sent (correctly!) by e-mails to three males -- all key males -- who drill all those dowels, at day's end, cores for towels, towels consumed by crazed chars...chars still chary of bowels, bowels betrayed by the aals ("...Ballantrae'd by those aals?") Al allows in Al's Salsa.

K's for… ("Hey! Pis aller!")

All aboard my autogyro..."

All aboard my autogyro,
park'd between row X and Y row.
Pilots...? Guys from Gyra (Spyro).
Join 'em not if you're a tyro.
Now departing Cairo! 

Boarding now's my bumper car.
It's slow, but ranges wide. And far.
Your stewardess, Pat Benatar,
brews coffee, tea and Kristallklar.
Next stop? Zanzibar!

Cabs uncopious...? Catch my currach.
Neither's cake, but, nowt to worrach.
Share with me (and Ace Venturach),
s'long as you're in no great hurrach.
Now departing Thurrock!

"Dammit, Dog, don't drive dat dogsled
down dem dork-deep drifts," Snoop Dog said,
hoisting (how...?) one whole half-hogshead.
"Now dig what you did: dat dog's dead!"
Let's revisit Brideshead!

Entering my escalator,
guests encounter "SmorgasSeder."
"Matzo first," rants Reb Ralph Nader.
"Have your afikoman later...
once we've crossed th'equator."

Fairer...? Nothing than my ferry.
Friends float free, but Fie! Don't tarry!
Challah-bearing Halle Berry
serves loaves warm (and "buerre-y"...very!)
Lunch at Brundonderry!

Guidebooks call guests "gondolees," a-
gondola'd by Gondoleezza
Rice, my gondoliere-cum-visa-
mater here in Greater Pisa.
Next stop: San Theresa!

Heading hellward...? Hire my handcar;
booking agent's Ralph V. Shandkar.
Best for guests who ramble and car-
een. (In Greenland, it's a bann'd car.)
We don’t stop at Kand'har!

Board my Mitsubishi "I" Car! 
Dwight D. Eisenhower ("Ike") ar-
ranges for his look-alike car
to be mine when he drives my car."
Next stop: Isle of "Rikar"!

Join me in my jade jinrickshaw,
though its pilot, Rob ("The Mick") Shaw
(under "M" in Webster's Dicshaw-
nary) often phones in sick. Psh-a-a-aw!
Skip The Res: too Chick'shaw.

Killer rapids...? Book my kayak.
Back-up fry cook Stephen Fry, back
from Mae West's suggests guests lie back,
chill and try his Brie on Zweibach...
named "Best 'Nosh in Nayak."

Loop-the-looping in my luge...? Herr
Larry Lege,'* illustr'ous luger.
Beggarlike, I hire this Hoosier
'cuz I cannot wax more choosier.
Next stop: Newport News...hear...?

     * Pronounced 'ledge,' the reference is to Larry Legend
aka Larry Byrd, NBA Hall-of-Famer from the Hoosier State. 

Mot'ring in my Morris Mini,
maitre d'auto Albert Finney
brandishes a mandolin he
made with aid from Laura Linney.
Next stop: Olde New Guinea!

Now let's "nav" my Nucl'ar sub. Ya'
heard its "nom-de-vro-o-o-oom"* by Dubya
mispronounc'd for years. Oh, Shrub! Ya'
stunk as Pres, yet lunkheads "lub" ya.
Next stop: Suburbubya!

     * Ala the "nom-de-plume," the so-called
"nom-de-v'ro-o-o-oom" is an alternate name
for a power source. Of course, W was notorious
for, among his many creative uses of the language,
a chronic metathesistic mispronunciation of
'nuclear,' regularly rendering it as 'nucular.'

Outings in my Oldsmobile,
once cater'd by Shaquille O'Neal,
are catered now by Howard Keel.
(Imagine how that makes Shaq feel:
like losing at Deauville.)

Plant your pants seat in my punt.
A poling pair, recalcitrant,
provides the paddling. Frank's* up front.
(In back, I've posted Allan Funt,
past-polester from Ft. Hunt.

      * Francis Albert Sinatra

Quiet, kids! Don't quit my quint.
It's old, but in condition mint.
Shout "'hoy" to helpmate Captain Flint,
My water-worthy wunderkind.
The next stop: New Orli'nt!

Fixates does William Butler Yeats,
who fits guests' feet for roller skates
and elevates the going rates
down at my Rink (A-12's he hates):
"We fit all fifty states!"

Stop! Occupancy max'mum's three
aboard my solitary ski.
There's (1) you; (2) man Friday Lee
van Cleef; plus one more...hey! It's me-e-e-e!
Next stop: Menomonee!

Try my tourist-class toboggan! 
Travel blogger Uta Hagen
damns with faint praise on her blog in 
comments like, "This "bogg'' beats joggin'!"
Next stop: West Sheboggan!

Unrival'd artiste Lena Horne
waits tables on my unicorn,
shares tips with all the foreign-born
garcons. She shouts, "What's mine be your'n!"
Next stop is Californ.'

"V'ro-o-o-o-oom" goes my velocipede.
That's why my chauffeur, Hari Reede,
warns, cautions, pleads, "Be sure to heed
all traffic, ple-e-ease don't speed!"
Next stop: East Runnymede!

Welcome 'board my welcome wagon.
Welcoming you? O. J. Dragon.
Sometimes fun; sometimes an agon-
y: Best pack your flask…or flagon!
Next stop: Bilbo's Bag En'!
     * Oliver J., noted Kuklapolitan and good friend – 
but just a friend! -- of Fran Allison, and no relation
to the isoinitialed scofflaw Simpson. 

Xebeceers who crew my xebec
(one's call'd Beckham; t'other's Glenn Beck)
urge all guests, "Avoid the poop deck!"
And...stop asking, "Are we there yeck?"
Third-to-last stop: Tea Neck!

You're invited 'board my yacht. 
Invite a guest; invite one not!
I'm bringing Phnom Penh pal Pol Pot.
As to the fare...? How much you got...?

Next stop: Connecticott!

Z-z-z-z-z-z-zs guests grab in my Zamboni
follow snacks of Rice-a-Roni,
b'loney stew and roux'd spumoni
served by Mitchells (Chad and Joni).
Last stop: Isle of Coney! 

Attention, please! Passengers must exeunt.
Every last vehicle is now out of service.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...