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Monday, January 22, 2024

A is for A: An Illuminated Alphabet in Verse: Letters X, Y & Z

            X is for X:

           "If you'd commit some unknown bit 
            to paper doing math,
            just write an 'X,'" advise most techs.
           "Elect no other path."

            Y is for Y:

           When needing space to park thy face,
           but not some place prestigious,
           'tis best to hie thee to the Y,
           tho' y'all be irreligious.

           Z is for Z:

          A doze, a rest, three winks, siest-
         -a, nap, a nod, a trance
          be what's required. In short: I'm tired!
        (At least one Z, perchance...?)

A is for A: An Illuminated Alphabet in Verse: Letters U & T

        T is for T:

     Ask'd "True or false: The Skaters' Waltz
     was done by one Waldteufel...?" 
     I'd answer 'T.' ('F,' 'N,' you see,
     or 'B' leave me annoyful.)

     U is for U:

     Burmese PM (une homme, non femme),
     their very first: U Nu.
     U Thant...? Not so; nor Goryeo.*
    (A playwright, too: who knew...?)**

          *A Korean dynasty from 918 to 1392 with
           no significant relation to Burma now known 
           as Myanmar.
           **U Nu wrote several plays, among them 
           The Sound of the People Victorious.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...