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Thursday, August 4, 2022

S(o)uper Spooners #1 thru #6

     Runcibl'd Spooners are complex, 
some more than others. 

Southern web address (in part).
French go here to craft new art. 
     Dot Tupelo / Dot OuLiPo

Flickers wherein film buff dwells.
Elixir blend for casting spells.
     Motion pics / Potion mix

Film casts Redford, Gunn, Mostel.
Putrescence poses pork joint smell.
     The Hot Rock / The hock rot

Tale portraying evil world. 
Jav'lin by Rebekah hurl'd. 
     The Heart of Darkness / The dart of Harkness 

Set to wrestle with the right.
Incognito...if not quite.
     Biden/Harris / Hidin' bare ass

Star-cross'd lovers quill'd by Will. 
Stand-up's pal's obstrep'rous still.
     Romeo 'n' Juliet / Joe Mayo* unruly yet

     * This character, a good friend of 
Jerry's, appears in Seinfeld episode 
#168, "The Reverse Peephole."

26 Silly Things People Say in the Moments Immediately Following Their Deaths (A Post from the Past)

 Aamon...? Grim! 
(Who'd dance with him...?)      

But, as I'm here, 
eBay my bier! 

Curse the dark 'n' 
Philip Larkin! 

Di- (I fear I 
see) -es irae.

Enough's enough! 
(Putsch came to 'shuff.'*)

     * As in the Bard's “shuffle 
off this mortal...,” not "Shuffle 
Off to Buffal-...." 

Feelin' very 

God's call'd Bel. 
(She's black as well.) 

He kindly stopp’d* -- 
'cuz out I'd opt.

     * Cf. Ms. Dickinson’s #479. 

I died. Mom lied. 

'Tis like they tol' ya: 
no magnolia.

Kiss good-bye yer 
ass, you liar!

Less is more...? 
Mere metaphor.

Memento mori. 
(Now who's sorry...?)

No sound...? No sight...? 
Nshit! "Good" night*...?

      * As in Thomas’s 
“Do not go gen-…”

Off blocks, my chips...? 

Pride had shit 
to do with it.

Quite warm for May...? 
The hell, you say. 

Ripley said... 
('Course Ripley's dead.) 

Suspend the search! 

To be I'd not. 
So: off the pot.*

     * As in “shit or get…”

"Up, up..." and "a-"...? 

Very well: 
so this is hell. 

What the fuck! 
Of all the luck. 

X marks the spot. 
(By god, it's hot.) 

Yes or no...? 
Is that stuff snow...? 

Zeus...? Hello. 
(But I must go.)

     Coda per GFH 

But wait, there’s more
to answer for. 

I'll boldly go...
(But maybe no.)

Saeva indignatio...? 
Maybe I’ll just let it go. 

Comedy’s hard
in a churchyard.

Mon panache . . . 
I’ll take the cash.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...