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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Just Good or Bad?

Is there just up or down?
Just Haifa or Riyadh?
Just Zionist or Islamist?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just A or Z?
Just whole shebang or tad?
Just epic verse or doggerel?
Is there just good or bad?

Pacifica or Fox?
Is there just Gwent or Galahad?
Just fake news or the truth well told?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just First or Second Worlds?
(Have Third World folks been had?)
Is there just wealth or poverty?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just male or female?
Just Mataji or Dad?
Twixt Yin or Yang there’s no such thang?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just black or white?
Just moderate or rad?
Just Communist or Neo-con?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just left or right?
Just fresh-faced frosh or grad?
Just senior cit or teen-age twit?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just Choice or Right to Life?
Just credos ironclad?
Just shanty or McMansion?
Is there only good or bad?

Is there just atheist or deist,
avant-garde or trad?
Just Catholic or Calvinist?
Is there just good or bad?

Is there just red or blue?
Just eggshell white or plaid?
Just fire, water, earth or air?
Is there just good or bad.

Is there just I or thou?
Is there just sane or mad?
The missing link’s the one who thinks
there’s only good or bad.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...