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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Nizzarda for the N Word or Doin' the Spellcheck Shimmy...Plus a Bit More Eggcentricity

Eggcentric Shabazz:
Malcolm Eggs

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Whence heroes de yore, like The
Right Stuff's Chuck Yigger…?
Who cheers as the U.S. files
climate's hair trigger…?
Who's praisin’ the Christian while
razin’ the Uigher…?
(Morons who mutter the N word.)

Who black-listed Zero Mos-
tel ‘n’ Pete Sigger…? 
Who back’d Michelle Bachman 'n'
blog’d "How we dig ‘er!"…? Who’s
cast bags o' ballots for
Palin…? Go figger!
(Bigots who stutter the N word.)

Who neighs to his neighbor, "My
handgun's w-a-a-ay bigger"…? Who
drives after drinkin’ way,
wa-a-a-ay too much ligger…? Who 
feels Donald Trump has no
need of a wigger…? 
(Fascists who utter the N word.)

On steroids, Team USA's
cyclists proved quigger, though 
usin’s destroy’d more than
one Major Ligger, while
judges who know better
chortle ‘n’ snigger.
(Dastards who utter the N word.)

Who bans marijuana but 
puffs a fat cigger…? Who
boozes by gallon 'n'
not by the jigger…? Who
flaunts G. I. Joe, dissin’
Eeyore ‘n’ Tigger…?
Nazis who stutter the N word.)

Who "pooh!"s Mendel's gene work while
callin’ him 'Grigger'…? Thinks
H'waii'ns by spaceship came,
not by out-rigger…? And
who doesn’t think Donald
Drumpf’s Chief Intriguer…?
Cravens who mutter the N word.)

Who adores ‘n’ defers to the
Founders with vigor, in-
sistin’ all immigrants
weather the rigor of
Homeland Security's
brutal butt-kigger…?
(Racists who stutter the N word.)

When promises made to the 
farm-produce piggers de-
serve follow-through, who are
A-one renegers…? A
hint: who's hellbent  neither
zaggers nor ziggers…?
(Nutters who mutter the N word.)

Amazingly, some blacks
themselves call the N word, whose
ancestors came as slaves,
stuff’d in square-riggers, whose
kin, nonetheless, are all 
Anti-Def Liggers. Why
would folks -- black, white ever
utter the N word...? Be-
cause they're Americans…? 
(Facts, ma'am...just figgers!)
America! 'Merica!
Merry America!
Still full o' nitwits 
who utter the N word.) 

One Fine Day on the Stump in 2016...Plus More Eggcentricity

I'm Donald Trump!
I love the stump.
Just hear 'em trump-
-et: "Donald Trump!"
They cheer me, pump-
-in' up The Trump. 
My pitch…? I'm rich!  
I'm Donald Trump!

In Iowa,
sure, Donald’s slumpin.'
Second place, though,
ain't no thumpin.'
Still, for Scott I'll
not be plumpin.'
(Later, Walker'll
be a Trump'un.)

I cherish strump-
-ets: wed me three!*
And crumpets ('cuz I'm
Trump) love me.
(No lie! Der Trump-
ster loves to hump!
But don't "Har-r-r-rump'!"
He’s Donald Trump.)
     * The premiere Trump…? 
Ivana Trump. A one-time Trump 
was Marla Trump. The current 
Trump's Melania Trump. (And 
not one Mrs. Trump's a frump!)

I'm Donald Trump!
I love my hair,
the flaxen clump
I wear up there.
That golden "sump-
-thin'" makes 'em stare.
Still, I'm no chump:
I'm Donald Trump!

I love the Jews:
my daughter's one.
I'm Netanyahu's
unsung son.
And, when I can,
I'll bomb Iran.
No Forrest Gump:
I'm Donald Trump!

I love the spicks,
those rapist dicks!
I love the blacks
despite their lacks.
I love the hicks;
I love their PACS
(though most are pricks
and all are hacks).

I'm not a Lib!
I'm not a Tea!
I'm worth ten billion
with a 'B'!
The GOP…?
They're piss’d at me.
Their queues I jump!
I'm Donald Trump!

I'll build a wall --
muy mucho tall --
to nix the spicks.
And that ain't all:
I'll get those spicks
to pay for bricks.
Fuck Forrest Gump!
I'm Donald Trump!

I hate McCain:
he lost his plane!
No hero, John!
(The Don moves on!)
I diss’d Rick P
‘cuz he dissed me.
Don't on me dump:
I'm Donald Trump!

That Huffington:
she's such a bitch!
With NBC
I've hit a glitch.
Plus, have you heard…? 
I'm very rich!
When I say "Jump!"
all heed The Trump!

I Lindsey diss’d:
he got me piss’d.
What say we phone
that little cyst…?
His phone's unlist-
ed -- well, it was... 
Is Trump too blunt…?
Deal with it, cuz...

…I'm lewd; I'm crude;
I’m oozin’ 'tude! 
Jeb Bush…? He's weak!
(My mind I speak.)
Him and his bro
both love my dough.
Want Donald's bump…?
Don't dump on Trump!" 

I'm Donald Trump!
Yeah...Donald Trump!
My niche…? Tres riche!
(But hold the quiche.)
I pillory
Bill’s Hillary:
her job at State…?

Ted Cruz…? Big snooze!
Rand Paul's sans balls!
That Hammerkraut:
What's he about…?
Remember Mitt…?
Proved not worth shit!
(Dick Nixon…? Dim!
Who's heard of him…?)

To Huckabee:
"Don't fuck with me!" 
No one's as won-
derful as he,
as Donald Trump!
(Out on the stump,
just hear 'em trump-
-et: "Don-ald-Trump!")

Eggcentric Britain:
The White Cliffs of D'ova


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...