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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

...And Another Thing...: The Fourth Wise MA(GA)n

When MAGAns stare at Donald's hair, 
on ev'ry MAGAn sleeve
a heart gung ho is worn; we know
they choose to see-no-weave. 

When MAG's take stock of Donald's shock, 
their choice is to believe 
of Donald's thatch Don's ol' line. Natch,
each MAGAn hears-no-weave.

When MAGAns talk, they never balk;
to policy they cleave
as they explain, "'Tis real, Drumpf's mane."
(True MAGAns speak-no-weave.)

And, though it's weird, there's now appear'd
some MAGA nuts named Steve.*
who, though Herr Liar's hair's on fire, 
insist they smell-no-weave. 

     *Bannon...? Miller...? Scalise...? 
The verse isn't specific.

...And Another Thing...: Spooner's Damp Hen

The Rev'rend William Spooner plans a trip to Baltimore: 
"I'll visit Jim 'n' Jude at mome in Damp Hen Halbitore."
But the Rev'rend William Spooner first must sail across the sea
to visit Jim and Judy's Damp Hen digs in Moretalbi. 
Says the Rev'rend William Spooner: "I shall cake a mocial sall
there at Dim and Dudy's jomocile in Damp Hen Morebital."
But the Rev'rend William Spooner, well-intentioned heretofore,
never shall secure, I'm fairly sure, that trip to Baltimore.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...