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Friday, April 24, 2020

A Mixology Briefing from the Bartender-in-Chief

     It's Fallback Friday. Pick his poison!

"I tell my base in rampant candor:
'Try my Brandy Purexander!'
Flat out stuff the ballot box...
then try my Clorox on the Rocks!
For giving virus rumors rest,
my PiƱa Colalysol’s best.
And, no! I don't know Mussolini.
Meantime, try my Boratini!"


"My hunch...? A touch of indigestion's
 actin' up. more questions."

Limericks in the Light of COVID

Lewis Carroll’s kid, Coventry, asks,
“At mad tea parties, must we wear masks…?”
The lad’s daddy replies,
“He who doesn't don dies.
He who does in beamoshity basks.”

Mervyn Peake's son (a offspring call'd Pikes)...?
The most id'osyncratic of tykes:
he's injecting himself
with chlorine off the shelf.
Have you ever heard tell of the likes...?


     Here's an example of a verse form named 
after a county in Ireland and featuring a fellow 
from a county in England who penned some.

Edward Lear sires one daughter, call'd Shanda.
Fixing fruit hats for Carmen Miranda,
does she tell her dad that
she's "re-pear'd" her last hat
'less she, too's, 'llow'd to sing with the band...? Duh! 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...