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Monday, June 1, 2020

More PI Pairs

by Ulysses Poe
graphite pencil on illustration board
digitally enhanced
18" by 36"
Andy 'n' Pete,
Andy 'n' Pete:*
one old sexist cynic, 
one new on the beat.

     * Dalziel and Pascoe

Art 'n' Hercule,
Art 'n' Hercule:*
one Belgian fussbudget,
one live-in tool.

     * Hastings and Poirot
but in reverse order.

Maigret 'n'...qui...?
Maigret 'n'...qui...?
One av'rage eavesdropper,
quatre amis.*

     * Maigret famously boasts 
four colleagues.

Maigret et al.s,
Maigret et al.s:
one froggy constable, 
four tadpole pals.

Stringer 'n' Jane,
Stringer 'n' Jane:
one ain't no Wimsey,
one's ala Vane.

And on the drawing board:

Marple 'n' Jim...
Mason 'n' Street...
Della 'n' Perry...
Perry 'n' Della...

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...