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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Notable Nobs Not Unpleasant to Know: Italo Calvino

Not unpleasant to know...? The Calvino
whom his mom named Italo, not Dino --
an artiste, even when a bambino.
Counting cards in his cousin's casino
left no time to play Keno in Reno,
though he did treat the antineutrino
in his book Cosmicomics. Calvino
is a paradox. No...? Just ask Zeno.

Book of Uncommon Prayers: A Constrained Communion

          I. A Prayer to Vengeful Virgins

Hail, Mary, full of grace, 
who'd nail canary, bull or dace* 
with "c'est la guerre!"s and sprays of mace.
     * A small European freshwater fish.

          II. The Terse Trinitarian's Prayer

Pater noster Qui es in coelis:
You know I've no clew where Your Jew's holy grail is.
C'mon, Holy Ghost*: give a hint! Please, don't fail us! 
     * A vernacular riff on 'Veni Sancte Spiritus,' Catholic liturgy's so-called Golden Sequence.

          III. Vespers for Virtual Victims

Now I lay me down to sleep. 
You’ll get more than a frown if I hear one more peep:
Do not make me come in there, you [BLEEP] little [BLEEP]!

         IV. The Grace of the Grateful Giftee

Bless us O Lord and these, Thy gifts:
first, the car (a new Ford!); second, Jonathan Swift's
"On a Very Old Glass"; third, your used pair of lifts...*
     * Hitchens was right:  the Diety used to be taller -- much, much taller.

          V. This I Believe: a Congressional Credo

I believe in God the Father Almighty
(though I vote Progressive while He's quite the righty:
pro-guns, anti-gays -- and so very uptight, He...)

          VI. An Orison to Overzealous Ministering Spirits

Angel of God, my guardian dear:
when it comes to companions, I've known not your peer.
Nonetheless, take a powder: my folks think I’m queer.

           VII. An Appeal for Imprisoned Androids 

May the road rise up to meet you
(though you're jailed, with R2D2
and C3PO -- in situ).

          VIII. A Litany for Lost Wallets

God grant me some serenity,
if, buying some amenity,
I misplace my identity!

          IX. A Gnosher's Plea

The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want
for no tiramisu nor no almond croissant --
nor no artisan cheeses from Cabot, Vermont.

          X. A Supplication of the Sceptic 

Jesus loves me -- yeah, I know.
And so does last Stooge Curly Joe
and Marilyn Monroe, yes? No.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...