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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Liebling des Schopfers or Oh, My Gott! An Alphabet

        What is The Author Of All Creation's absolutely most favorite…
…advertising slogan...?                                                        “Gott milk...?"
…Billie Holiday record...?                       “I Gott a Right (to Sing the Blues).”
…classic automobile...?                                                         The BuGotti.
…Dickens character...?                                                       Ham PegGotty.
…esoteric language...?                                                      Thieves’ arGott.
…fungus fruiting structure...?                                         ErGott sclerotium.
…Gene Kelly movie line...?                                                  “Gotta dance!”
…heavyweight boxing title holder...?                             Jersey Joe WalGott.
…imaginary location...?                                                   McElliGott’s Pool.
…journalist’s interview tactic...?                                The Gottcha question.
…king of rhumba...?                                                           Xavier CuGott.  
…Lois Lane portrayer...?                                                    MarGott Kidder.
…movie tough guy...?                                                   Humphrey BoGott.
…nougat reimagining...?                                                             NouGott.
…O’Neill drama...?                                       "A Moon for the MisbeGotten."
…Portuguese “thankyou”...?                                                    “ObriGotto.”
…quintessential Italian double reed bass clef woodwind...?      The FaGotto.
…ripe fruit...?                                                                     The ApriGott.
…second-act opening musical number...?                    The AsGott Gavotte.
…tourist destination...?                                         Florida's EpGott Center.
…university town...?                                                                Gottingen. 
…Vincent De Paul namesake...?                                   Vincent van Goghtt.
…weight-loss fad...?                                                         Fat-free yoGott.
…xyloform...?                                                                     WainsGotting.’elimite portable form...?                                                  The InGott. 
…'ziggurat' misspelling...?                                                     'ZigG(ur)ott.'

Repost: Zweisodes: An Alphabet


As you haul coals to Newcastle, 
might you, por moi, 
amass aardvarks to sell 
in Abel-Beth-Maacah...? * 

    * Biblical sources mention a wise woman 
who dwelt there but make none of a 
live-animal market. 


Be he t(hr)ower of babble...? 
Blame (sob!my bum habit, 
my culpa! But Barrymore's bro’s 
been a babbit!”


Encore, Jorge Luis Borges! 
Cor de l'Argentine eez Jor: Heez 
cris de coeur enhances stories 
cach'd een Chechen Cacci'tores! 


When AM added Daddy-O,* 
deft DJ, to my rahd-i-o, 
they proved: extending feelers 
yields emcees instead of spielers.
        * Chicago radio personality 
Holmes Daylie (1920-?) 


Affairs o' the fart 
felt in far-off terrains
fetch foul redolence  and 
faintly visible stains.

Giggl’ing, one Googles, 
“three gaggles o' geese,” 
crying, "Larry* and Sergey*: 
please leave me in peace!"
      * Larry Page and Sergey Brin, 
founders of Google 


High-hat,’ ‘high-hand,’ ‘high-
horse,’ ‘high holy days...’ 
'high-'…HAH! (A case of 
“damn'd with tainted ‘frase’”...?)


Invoking my μους-, 
(no Greek) sue for news: 
“Ανδρα μαλαπολλ' εννεπα μοι” 
It's Achilles...? Nope! Showies- 
'N'-Tellies insist Hellene 
Ilii* (Helen of Troy).
        * Genitive singular of 'Ilium.'
pronounced "Ee-lee-eye.' 

Mmenage during haj during 
Raj (just for fun) 
stanched my stutter. Of "...jej-jej...jej-
june…" all heard none.


let's kill the tax on 
Nico’s Delft or Spode. 
Just kick Nic’s knickknacks' taxes 
down the road.


Aboard the good ship Lollypop, all’s good. 
(Such sacch'rin smarm's the stuff of songs of Shirl's.*) 
Let's, suckers, cease! Let's stop all Sucker Suck-Ins! 
Such sucking leaves obese, balloon-like girls.
     * Shirley Temple


Your pharaoh dies, befriends my goat -- 
the pair grows fairly chummy. 
Then Nurse and Mommy make a film: 
"The Nanny Meeps The Mummy."


The Fool shall not 
for Mongoose vouch, 
but Cobra choose...? 
That's odd. that's...OUCH!


Pollute Pa's porridge...?
Prime Pop's pot...? 
Please stop! Put in plu- 

Q: Go west...? Not if you know 
what's m-m-m, m-m-m, good for you. 

Quick! Go east on that 
Qarghaliq-Qaraqum Trail!* 
Get fair Bar-B-Q'd Coq...
and good Bar-B-Q'd Quail.
     * The direction travelled (ENE, roughly) 
between two Chinese cuisine hotspots.


I.S.O. route 
or ring road warrior...? 
Best request 
the Brothers Boyer!* 
        * S. James, 9, and A. Zane, 7 1/2 
(ages, not jackboot sizes)


All at sea in Seas Sargasso, 
sailors may request a lasso. 
Sassafras's gas shall pass, 
but schlusselfiedels?* "Such a ass!" **
       * Kinds of hurdy-gurdy     **Pace, Mr. Dickens.


Kitt's kit...? That pattern’s 
known as tattersall. 
But I’ve left torn 
these knit togs -- tatters, all.

U: 'Uacuus'...? Ablative singular for something, surely. 

I'd figured I'd bagg'd me 
a gnu, up until 
I'd looked under the fur 
and found you, Uncle Phil!

We hear this stutter! But from whom...
It’s Dr. D-cup, I presume -- 
she of the fabulous ba-zoom.

W: Perhaps the window washer did it. 

Who...? 'Twas Woodrow Wilson's widow. 
Where...? Near Wicklow West. What...? Dead.
When...? All clues suggest last Wednesday. 
Whew! (We won't ask, "Why...?") How...? Bled. 

Mix xanthoma with rosacea: 
the resulting skin disease 
is what -- when six xiphopagi repaint 
the xerox room -- one sees.


To marry your mother 
so many years back...? 
My mistake (don't talk back!): 
blame the yackety yak!


They sang "Zizzi-zizzi-...!" yesterday 
and "...boom-boom-aay!" today. 
What shall sing zyzzogetons* tomorrow...? 
None but they can say.
        * The very last word -- in South American 
leaf hoppers and in my pocket dictionary.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...