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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

These Times They Are Some Changelings!

Now’s the best and worst of times; indeed, the blest and curs'd of times; the William Randolph Hearst of times:
the best and worst of times.

Now’s the worst and best of times; the empty feather’d nest of times; the faulty COVID test of times:
the worst and best of times.

The Deutsches Currywurst of times; the largely unrehears’d of times; the never reimburs’d of times:
the best and worst of times.

At best, the second-best of times; i.e., the anapest of rhymes; the jester (overdress’d) of mimes:
the worst and best of times.

The “tots 'n' kids eat first” of times; the “shopp'd until I burst” of times; “My wallet’s gone! Unpurs’d!” of times:
the best and worst of times.

Oyez, de woists ‘n’ bests o’ times; the “How d’you like my breasts…?” of times; “Come up and see Mae West!” of times:
the worst and best of times.

The craven rave and thirst of times; the “Durst I…? Yeah, I durst!” of times; the “Yet again, coerced” of times:
the best and worst of times.

Quixote’s gloried quest of times…?; The "...West, young man! Go West!” of times…? Nope! “Halt! You’re und’rarrest!” of times:
the worst and best of times.

“At Freedom’s breast we’re nurs’d” of times; the ”See Amer’ca first!” of times; “Once more, my bubble’s burst!” of times:
the best and worst of times.

The uninvited guest of times; "Your vest remains unpress’d” of times; “Is this some kind of jest…?” of times:
the worst and best of times.

The ”dead, embalm’d 'n' hears’d” of times; the “poorly prosed 'n' versed” of times; en fin, the Fanny Hurst of times:
the best and worst of times.

The “stress’d from being ‘Yes-s-s-s’d’” of times; the “get it off your chest” of times; the “dying unconfess’d” of times:
the worst and best of times.

Auf Deutsches, "eben erst of times; the “Bellhop of Amherst” of times; the “bought and paid-for jur’st” of times:
the best and worst of times.

The Digby and Beau Geste of times; the “rhymed at my behest” of times; the “Let's give this a rest!” of times:
the worst and best of times.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...