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Saturday, August 29, 2020

'Bruno' Sans Sylvie: A Relentless Nonsense Carrollian Shenanagram in Eight (8) Double Distichs and a Single (1) Double-Distich Coda

Lewis Carroll’s Sylvie, Fairy 
Princess, brags 'bout brother. 
Sev'ral names in Gaelic open
"O'-." O’Burn’s another.
Know what makes a brother...? Cop the 
opposite o' that. 
     ('‘U’ Born'…?)
'I' Born, 'Me' Rais'd, 'We' Wed, 'Us' Dead.
No third-person chat.
Back again be Jason. He’s the 
universal spy.
     ('No Rub'…?)
Shake the can three times. Then spray it 
on and let it dry.
     ('Run, Bo!'...?)
Outta here, Ms. Derek! We sus-
pect your cover’s blown.
     ('…Or Bun'…?)
Comes in pastry – muffin, cruller,
sweet roll, doughnut, scone…
     ('Orb Nu'…?)
Thracians sought this thirteenth sphere, 
sort of Üsküp Tao.
     ('Bou, RN'…?)
 Nurse she be -- one register'd -- and 
something of a cow.

Element in chemistry, though 
missing from the table.
     ('"O, Urn..." (B)'...?)
Poem to a vase. Read version 
two, a Keatsian fable.

     ('Our BN'...?)
'Tis the nation's library. 'Tis 
ours, for we're from France.
     ('B U Ron'...?)
Be you Ronald...? Be you Donald...?
Be you Fartypants...?

     ('On, Bru'!'...?)
“Take Five,” Mr. Brubeck, won't you...?
Hit it! One…two…three… 
Diff'rent kind of kombu. (I crave 
kelp: eats from the sea.)

     ('R U B 'n' O?'...?)
F U R, U B oldest 
railroad in the land.
     ('Urb'n O'...?)
Ring road 'round the regnum...? Right! Though, 
on the other hand...

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...