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Friday, April 3, 2020

Pandora Meets Pollyanna Meets Pancho: a Partly Pantoum...Plus Eggcentricity XII

     Nothing succeeds like excess, especially 
in some pseudo-Malay poetic form (Google 'pantoum').

To Panama, past Perth, through Panmunjom
she swept, pan-global pandemonium.
Nor'd psalm on panpipe play'd provoke a calm.
Nor'd balm be brung by wrung harmonium.
     Ne'er slept, her global pandemonium,
attacking pap 'n' pancreas alike.
Nor'd balm be brung by wrung harmonium.
No pae'n discover'd, panacea-like.
     Attacking pap 'n' pancreas alike,
her damn pandemic panic brought to pass.
Nor'd pae'n, uncover'd, panacea-like
trepan the pate of that Pandora lass.
     Her damn pandemic panic brought to pass
to Panama, to Perth, to Panmunjom.
Who'll pot the pan of that Pandora lass...?
Some pantywaist...? Oh, pshaw! (Perhaps her Mom...*)

     * In panhellenic mythology, Pandora is the first 
human woman created by Hephaestus. Therefore, 
unfortunately, she has no mother. Uh-oh!

     Still, pulling out one's panyo just won't do,
nor'll paging Dr. Pangloss, who would merely
a Pollyanna panoply (or two)
of fixes fake forge, albeit sincerely.
     No paging Dr. Pangloss! Pang would merely
engage in "happy talk," or an array
of fixes false forge, albeit sincerely.
No panegyric ever saved the day.
     Engage in "happy talk"...? Pour an array
of "pie-meet-sky" solutions...? Not his* style.
No, panegyrics seldom save the day.
Nor does he plan on living in denial.
     Nope, "pie-meet-sky" solutions aren't his style.
And pulling out his panyo just won't do.
Nor does he plan on living in denial.
"Wait! Pollyanna: does she not pull through...?"*

     * This question is posed by one Pancho Garcia 
Lorca, panhandler turned poet and, more recently, 
composer of this and other pantoums, partial and 
otherwise. Senor Garcia Lorca has set his own words 
to music for tenor, harp, cello and organ. In addition, 
like Cesar Frank before him, Garcia Lorca has set the 
strophe "Panis angelicus" swiped from the hymn 
"Sacris solemnis" by Thomas Aquinas with a similar 

Eggentric Mythology:
Daedalus & Eggcarus

Eggcentricity X...Plus Five Grimericks from "Highschool in the Time of Cholerona" by Hogmalion's Big Pig

Overheard at a local cafe,
where some kid heard some other kid say,
“Schools are closed for the year.
Now my homework is beer,
and my final exam’s MDA.”

As a senior, this totally sucks:
problematic, BIG time! Here’s the crux:
Sure, I’ve got time to kill,
and a season to fill,
but now what the hell good is this tux...?!

Of the COVID, I’m not scared a bit.
Nor of death, nor of any of it.
So, what tears me apart...?
What puts fear in my heart?
I’m afraid that I’m getting a zit!

The gym locker room...? One giant germ!
And school lunch...? Oh, God! Don’t make me squirm.
All day long the bells ring,
but I’ll tell you one thing:
Glad I took AP Hoarding last term.

Active shooter...? Quick! Lockdown the space!
A tornado...? Uh-h-h...shelter in place!
But the weirdest of all
comes from something so small:
I may die just from touching my face!

Eggcentric Third World:

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain...