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Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Carpenter's Druthers (A Nonsense Poetry Composition Competition)

Who Carroll’s Carpenter Might Have Been 
Create an Alphabet’s Worth of Six-line Stanzas, Each Introducing a Different Partner for the Walrus   

Sometime in 1871, presenting the text for “The Walrus and the Carpenter” to his illustrator John Tenniel for the artist to illustrate, Lewis Carroll gave the man alternate choices for the character of the Carpenter, namely the Butterfly and the Baronet, explaining that each fit the poem metrically (in what is here designated as a -- ^ -- pattern) and that Tenniel should make the selection based on the chosen image’s pictorial potential. 
The list below features 26 other options Carroll might have offered. The list includes neither inanimate objects (for example, ‘the Catapult’ is not included) nor phrases (e.g., it excludes ‘the Bishop’s Thumb’ even though that phrase exhibits the requisite -- ^ -- pattern). Otherwise, pretty much anything goes, and the list is far from comprehensive.
Here’s Carroll’s original (with a normalized punctuation: pace Rev'd Carroll):
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of sand:
“If this were only cleared away,”
They said, “it would be grand!”

And here are several options:

The Walrus and the Astronaut
The Walrus and the Basilisk
The Walrus and... 
the Corporal, the Doberman, 
the Extrovert, the Fisher King, 
the Gadabout, the Harlequin, 
the Idiot, the Janitor, the Kittiwake, 
the Liberal, the Masochist, the Neonate, 
the Ombudsman, the Pantywaist, 
the Quietist, the Radical, the Shepherdess, 
the Trotskyite, the Ubermensch, 
the Vagabond, the Wanderer, 
the Xylocarp, the Yodeler, the Zebrafish
Or select your own new partners, as long as they maintain the -- ^ -- pattern.
Then compose six new line stanzas using each additional option in turn, following the metrical model and rhyme scheme of Carroll's original.

Alphabet of Bugs (A Structrually Constrained Nonsense ABC)

A's for A Bug: 
Donald Rumsfeld, 
shocking, Awful 
ABU Ghraib Bug!

B's for B Bug: 
Ms. Savitsky, 
bitchin' Bella 
ABzUG Bug!

C's for C Bug: 
John Belushi: 
"…-burger, cheese-!" (Cheese-
BUrGer Bug!)

D...? D Bug: Mar-
lene Dietrich: 
Deutsch-treat BlaU
EnGel Bug!

E's for E Bug: 
King Kong: esca-
lator’d E. State 
BUildinG Bug.

F’s for F Bug: 
Swiss Jean Tinguely, 
fabled FreiBoUrG 
Fauvist Bug!

G’s for G Bug: 
young Abe Lincoln, 
gabby Gettys-
BUrG Address Bug!

H...? For H Bug: 
Little Toot: the 
hapless happy 
HarBor TUG Bug!

I's for I Bug: 
Adolf Hitler: 
rare "Is Paris 
BUrninG...?" Bug!

J's for J Bug: 
Oscar Hammer-
stein: "June's BUstinG 
Out All O-…" Bug!

K's for K bug:
Boris I,* the 
karmic Khan (BUl-
Garian) Bug!
     * Boris the First, of course – 
i.e., not Boris Ingelheim the 
New Jersey orthodontist.

L...? For L Bug: 
Wolverines: those 
"I Love Thee, Li'l 
Brown JUG" Bugs!

M...? M Bug: The 
Artist’s* "The Most 
BeaUt'ful Goil In 
Woild" Bug!
     * The one formerly known as 'Prince.'

N's for N Bug:
Ms. Monroe: the 
nubile Nude-on-
Bear-RUG Bug!

O's for O Bug:
K. L. Bates:* "Oh, 
BeautifUl For 
Spacious...Grain" Bug!
     * Composer of "America the Beautiful" 
Katherine Lee Bates.

P's for P Bug: 
A. Carnegie: 
PittsBUrGh Steel Bug!

Q's for Q Bug: 
Marx, aka 
QuackenBUsh (call’d
Groucho) Bug!

R's for R Bug:
Michael Richards: 
racist RaBid 
JUnkyard DoG Bug!

S? S bug: for 
Messers Flatt and 
Scruggs: two Southern 
BlUeGrass Bugs!

T's for T Bug:
Joseph Gibbs: a 
Turncoat BUrgun-
dy 'n' Gold Bug!

U’s U Bug: U-
nited Ara-
Bic RepUb' of 
EGypt Bug!

V's for V Bug:
C. Bartholin*: 
Gina” Bug!
     * The Younger.

W’s Bug is
Patrick Henry: 
WilliamsBUrg Gun-
powder Bug!

X? For X Bug: 
Ryken*: Xaver-
ian Bro from
BrUGge Bug!
     * I.e., T. J. Ryken.

Y's for Y Bug:
Rodgers:* "You've Got
Caref'lly to B
TaUGht" Bug!
     * Richard, of course, 
not Roy – note spelling (orthography, 
of course, not Tori).

Z's for Z Bug: 
Pike: Z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-breeding 
ZeBUlon Mont-
Gom'ry Bug!

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...