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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Life Takes a Haiku & Adds an Envoi! or Twenty Six Skidoo

Aiding rods and cones, goggles boost my infared: life by night's agleam --
not unlike a dream.

Bend it Korbut-like, lest you tumble to the floor: life's a balance beam.
Olga dares to dream.

Curds' casein (sans whey), Cornish cows' milk, cottage cheese: life apes clotted cream...
just like in my dream.

Don't be so quick to abandon rivertown shacks: life is hard downstream...
so unlike my dream.

Ever been to Mars…? It's not unlike living here: life -- in the extreme.
(Careful what you dream.)

For Pete's sake, fellas! You've been caution’d: never spin! Life's not foosball, team!
(Much more like a dream.) 

"Gracias, Fidel! Hasta prontoUncle Sam!" Life's el Golfo's stream.
(Leave: go live your dream.)

Half-lives of sherries are measur’d in months, not years…Harvey's Bristol Cream:
good for life…? You dream!

I love Haagen-Dazs, Ben & Jerry's and Edy's: life's like good ice cream.
(Care to share my dream…?) 

Just Google him, man! It's just inconceivable (life without Joaquim).
(Oo-oo-oo...I doo meese heem.) 

"Keep the 'Alcindor'…?" "Nope! Try out 'Abdul-Jabbar.'" (Life with Lew Kareem:
a defender's nightmare. 

Long…? Nope! Focuss’d…? Nope! Amplifiable…? No way! Life's no laser beam:
life is, Bud, a dream.

Memento mori...just in case death's slipp’d your mind: life as metameme --
not just in a dream.

Never saw The Card; never saw The Seventh Sin: life per Ronald Neame.
(How that man could dream!)

Oscar Wilde was right: bad verse springs from true feeling. Life's odd, don't you deem…?
(O thought so, 'twould seem.)

Promptitude's a must; wait not for Nones to kick off: life begins at Prime;
later, you can dream.

Quiet flows the Don (though not when rowing upstream): life's a quinquereme.
(Please: abort this dream!) 

Riots in the streets; you're a cinch to your head. Life, in old regimes,
guillotines one’s dreams.

Somebody told me, "Wetter shaves are better shaves." Life, like shaving cream,
lubricates my dream. 

Throw...row...tow your boat: get through any way you can. Life's this poem's theme...
albeit a dream.

Under the boardwalk, or on top of the boardwalk: life's severe upstream.
(Nothing but a dream.) 

Vice-consul father; actress mom; at least four wives: Life with M. Vadim...? 
Nightmare vs dream.

Where's that guy who said, "Life's just a bowl of cherries"…? Life's just sour’d whipp'd cream! 
(Thank god it's a dream.)

X-rated sound track: you're the Grammy nominee. Life's the next Xan's Theme.
(Who can't hear you scream…?) 

Yellow, violet, black 'n' blue and black...and blue: life's your color scheme.
(But then: it's your dream.) 

Zero chance in ten of beating Mr. Death.'s the zone supreme:
Who cares it's a dream…?!

Rhymes On Rough-to-Rhyme Rhymes

     [Re Rachel Maddow]
Who’s busy droppin' aitches...?
Some horse revealin' raches...?
Some cow concealin' naches...?
Nope. Maddow (i.e., Rache) is.

     [Re Michael Pollan]
Here’s Mike, findin' rhymes for
It seems Pollan's quite lavish. 
An' frugal, huh...?

     [Re Sancho and the Don]
I’m quizzin' Quixote,
“What rhymes, Don, with ‘purple’…?”
when suddenly, Sancho,
astride Dapple’s curple,
opines, “Ask him not.
His brain’s halt. He’ll just hirple.”
Adds Don: “Pace, Panza –
or suffer my nurple!”

     [Re Faegheh Atashin]
Googoosh, who’s rife with rhymes for
weighs her wage in Persian

     [Re William Inge]
I’ve said it before, Inge:
“There are rhymes for ‘orange.’”

     [Re Sir William Walton]
Search far 'n' wide, Will, fer
just one rhyme for ‘silver.’

     [Re A. A. Milne]
I’ve found no rhymes for ‘kiln.’
Does Pooh know any, Milne…?

     [Re Tom Brokaw]
Who would find a rhyme for ‘plankton
must quiz Brokaw: bloke's from Yankton.

     [Re Ark builder Noah and lexicographer Webster]
Pair the “rhymeless” word ‘midst’…?
Surely, Noah, thou didst.

     [Re Robert Moog]
If you're short of rhymes for ‘plinth,’
Bob can build one on his synth.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...