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Monday, July 20, 2020

Show A Little!

Who pens such patent prattle airs a droll imagination.

Who covets Kim in “Picnic” bares a soulful Madge-ination.
Who chuckles “What, me worry...?” vaunts a gleeful Mad-ination.
Who votes for Drumpf in spite of Drumpf flaunts lethal MAGA-nation.

              Who howls at Hawkeye’s hijinks shows his silly M.A.S.H.-ination.
Who dines on sushi roll’d in seaweed poses maki-nation.
Who welcomes wizards bearing myrrh disports Three-Magi-nation.
Who pre-dawn prayer prefers exhorts a vig'lant Matin'-ation.

              Aristotelia chilensis knows a maqui-nation.
Who ne'er sails west without stout charts sows careful map-ination.
Who Sammy Davis Jr stalks displays Will Mastination.
Who’s nuts for Dallas basketball sprays avid Mav-ination.

             Who screens films 53 feet tall supplies IMAX-ination. 
Who's heard retelling tales -- in Welsh, yet! -- plies the Mabinogion. 
Who dips into “The Prince” wails Machiavellian machination.
D'you not agree: whoe’er he be, he nails 'imagination'…?

"I Must Dress / Mister Suds"
A shenanagram
in colored pencils on illustration board
by Ulysses Poe

Runcibl'd Spooner: Strictly Ballroom

     Aristotle famously observes: "Words are equivocal." 
Ps-Aristotle, reading the runciblosity below, agrees: 
“'Keen Jelly'...? Just a dram one takes 
to lubricate wild Irish wakes."
Gene Kelly:
God o' Dance, he sings in the rain.
Keen Jelly:
Gotta dance...? It stings...? Use for pain.

Some feet don't have it;
others have.
All feet, though, now and then,
need salve.

"Feet Possibly Requiring Salve II"
colored pencil on illustration board,
digitally modified,
by Ulysses Poe


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...