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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Spooner Just Outside Hollywood (Past)

Preston Sturges hollers“Roll!” 
Nine hundred thousand ducks (or so), 
in gamblers, tumble down a hole. 
(The film’s call’d Stetson Purges, no...?) 

The Super Blue Blood Moon...Again! (Past)

     (An Elegy Begun January 31, 2018 and 
Completed October 17, 2021)

The super blue blood moon 
on view on Tuesday night 
(the lady on our radio 
was right: 'twas "quite a sight") 
has come and gone. And though 
'twill come once more (some June...?), 
by then shall we have bid "bonne nuit": 
the super blue blood moon. 

The super blood moon's blue. 
(Perhaps 'tis all of cheese...? 
Before we show it be or no, 
we'll need analyses.) 
Yet, when it's come again 
(some late May afternoon...?) 
we're sure to've said, "We've gone to bed": 
the super blue blood moon. 

The super blue moon's blood, 
more orange-hued than red, 
has, since before the Great Downpour, 
across all earthscapes bled. 
When nigh looms its return 
(some future March jujune...?) 
by then we must have come to dust: 
the super blue blood moon. 

The blue blood moon be super: 
'tis bloody grandiose! 
Have we e'er seen such spacious sheen...? 
No way! What moon comes close...? 
And when it gleams once more 
(long have we humm'd this tune), 
we'll years before have closed our door: 
the super blue blood moon.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...