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Friday, October 4, 2019

A 'Sampler' Sampler

Kid lit icon: Little Black Sampler. 
David Berkowitz: Son of Sampler.
Brynner...? Yul’s the King of Siampler. 
Ersatz meat in cans…? That’s Spampler.

Looney Tunes’ Yosemite Sampler. 
Who Wants You…? It's Uncle Sampler.
Dr. Seuss’s Sampler-I-Ampler. 
Trojan malware virus…? Scampler.

Film Director Elia Kazampler.
Captain Marvel's now Shazampler.
Bin Laden Terrorist Osampler. 
60s Rocker Sampler the Shampler.

Golfing’s Sneed: that’s Slammin’ Sampler. 
Butterfly was Cio-cio-sanpler.
Rumpole’s scapegoat: Soapy Sampler. 
Is that the time…? I gotta scrampler.

Is This The GOP Senator From Idaho?

Jim E. De Ranty!
He can’t be shush’d, can he…?
Because, as does Dante,
perverse vigilante,
Jim views the world slanty
while, like some bacchante
well-oiled on Chianti,
he pads through his shanty
(Where…? Not Ypsilanti.)
lamenting, in chanty,
1, fortunes too scanty
(like those of Tom Canty),
2, gigs penny-ante
(like Armand Asante)
3, (laws non obstante)
all obstacles anti.
Jim has to recant (he
is too Corybanty,
too Oscar Levanty,
so rarely Hugh Granty)
before, like Mame (Aunty),
he sheds bra and pantie
and, gone gallavanty,
mounts one final rant:

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...