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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Reeseceipts With Her Spoon: An Anticipant Resume with Accompanying Portrait -- One Composite of Image & Verse in the Ongoing Series "Material Girls"

"Reeseceipts With Her Spoon"
paper purchase vouchers, chemical marker, colored pencils
and a plastic tableware utensil on canvas
16" x 20"

She’d play Mays in September,
play Aprils in June.
She'd play even an August:
Reeseceipts With Her Spoon.

She’d play Eva Peron.*
(She once play’d Lorna Doone.)
Would she play Mrs. Lovett,**
Reeseceipts With Her Spoon...?
     * In "Evita"
     ** In "Sweeney Todd"

Play Eliza in “Hamilton” 
she would...and croon.
Play Christine in “The Phantom”*:
Reeseceipts With Her Spoon.
     * He "...of the Opera"

She'd play Lady Macbeth,
Kate in “Zamung die Shrew'n."
She'd play Juliet, too, would
Reeseceipts With Her Spoon.

She could play Rose in "Gypsy"
though rather'd play June...
or "be great"* as Louise, would
Reeseceipts With Her Spoon.
     * As sung in "Everything's 
Coming Up Roses" from that musical

Mother Cour-…AND the children…?
The whole damn platoon!
One aspiring starlet's
Reeseceipts With Her Spoon.

(More "Reeseceipts" verses 
to come: a work in progress)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...