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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Runcibl'd Spooner: Star Wars Stars

"A is for A____: S"
Ulysses Poe
chemical markers on copy paper
digitally modified
10" by 8"
The Child to Disney sales is key.
(I wish I held the copyright.)
Baby Yoda.
Which wineskin – “A” or “B” or “C” –
contains the AlbariƱo white…?
Yay! “B” bota!

Whose kids are Mandalorians
shall prove poor Montessorians.

Long Stories' Shorts or It's Punnertime in the Days of Covid

Once upon a time…
…one’s soup on a dime…

...Juan's soup, Hannah: thyme...
…one Sioux pawin’ at Dym-…

…one zoo panda…? I’m…
...Juan's Sue, Pannah: tie 'em...

...Wan's soup pan hit Hyam... 
…One’s who pawn’d a “Time”…

…Juan’s up, hon, at "hime"…
…once upon a time.

"Annual Rings"
Ulysses Poe
technical pen and ink
on copy paper

digitally modified
5" by 5 "

Runcibl'd Spooner: One Sioux Pawn Hat o' Thyme...

A roof o'erhead, a spot to sleep,
three squares a day:
I welcome trinal challenges.
Three dares...? Ask 'way!

In olden days, when longues were chaise,
d'Auray were pays and felts were baize,
weren't Drumpf call'd Rutherford B. Hayes...?

"Fourth Grade 1920"
Jude Higgins
acrylic on canvas
40" by 17"

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...