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Friday, December 2, 2022

Arrays: "When 'Shit' Hits 'Fan'"

Arrays: "When 'Shit' Hits 'Fan'" 

Nine illustrated anagrams 

Chemical marker on photocopy paper 

8½" x 8½" 

Arrays: Adjectival Degrees

Arrays: Adjectival Degrees 

Illustrated wordplay 

Chemical marker on photocopy paper 

8½" x 11"

Arrays: Eggsposures


Arrays: Eggsposures

Illustrated egg puns arrayed in a dozen columns and a baker's dozen rows  

Shown adjacent to artist for size reference

Images of detailed views to come 

Chemical markers and colored pencils on photocopy paper taped to foam core

39½" x 59½"

A work in progress

Spoons, Double Spoons & Extended Spoons

telling brownies, "You're a bore!" : fairy slights :: 
e-waste issues...? Tell me more : SERI* flights :: 
wins by KO...? 44! : Larry's* fights
     * Sustainable Electronics Recycling International
     * Pro boxer Larry Holmes
gives your av'rage Saxon hopes : Robin's merry band ::
swarmin' -- grabbin' gyroscopes : mobbin' Sperry Rand 

to get myself a proper smoke, I'd sojourn where it's hot : 
I'd walk a mile for a Camel ::
I'd use whatever time it takes to seal that crack for Spot : 
I'd caulk awhile for a mammal

Jesus tells disciples so : "This is my body" ::
wed Bythoddy years ago : Mrs. Bythoddy 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...