ABCs worth of isometrical lines escape from
respective partial tautograms to form alphabet.
/ ...asthmatic Aussies ask for aboriginal air... /
/ ...because deep breathing's bumm'd. (Buñuel blames bad boutonnieres)... /
/ ...consiglieres can't control Collodi's corsair... /
/ ...degreed (doct'ral) Dakotans' deaths decreed debonaire... /
/ ...evaporates entir'ly emu-egg-nog eclair... /
/ ...flung further from the folderol of Follyburgh Fair... /
/ ...great-grandpa Zola's Gorgon's great at grating Gruyère... /
/ ...his harmonies haunt hummingbirds and haricots verts... /
/ ...itinerating internat'nally in Israir... /
* * * * *
/ ...performance...? Poor (Prokofiev's piano's a play'r)... /
/ ...pluperfect pallidectomy pursued by a pear.../
* * * * *
/ ...we're willowy as weasel wordings walking on air... /
(a work in progress)