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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Carpe Diembryo! Five Eggcentregg Ovaviews: Coeufew & Other RoeMantics

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ShadRoek, Meeshegg & Abedneggo

How d'ya like your eggs prepar'd...?
With a side of hash browns pair'd...?
Poach'd, fried, soft-boil'd...? Don't concern us.
Roast 'em in a fiery furnace!

  Kanamuna* runs through town
  in their** Valentino gown:
  All is well; 'tis egg o'clock."

       *Egg in Finnish   **Preferred pronoun

 Moeufy's Law
 To Murphy's Law a corollary,
 Moeufy's Law is cautionary:
 "Place an egg atop your toilet...?
 Break it must before you boil it."

 The Lay of the Egg
 Agges aggo, on a planet call'd Oeuf
 (it now enjoys soeuf circumscribing its toeuf),
 there was only an ovoid instead of a ball,
 with a hard-boil'd eggquator encircling it all.

 Touloeuf Lautregg 

 He blossom'd 'n' thrived
 in the rude Place Pigalle.
 (For a Jacques Blanc* so-o-o-o pocket-sized...
 ...pas mal, pas mal!)

     *Equivalent in France to 'John Doe.'

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...