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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A R T S Varia

(A, R, T and S reassembled yield (with added punctuation) 
a series of words and phrases initiating an array of 
explanatory, albeit nonsense, verse.) 

‘Stra’ is just 'straw' drawl’d in rural UK. 
Sart? Central Asians, some. Some? Hard to say. 

Sr. T. A.? None but Sister Tee-Anne, third-grade teacher/ol' bat
Rats? Hu-u-u-uge mice (see “S” Rat).    

‘Tra’s’? Just ‘s(m)art’ backwards. Its order’s reversed! 
Stars? Bodies heav(en)ly. (Pray that none burst!)   

Tras? They’re tin coins, known to net but small worth. 
Tra”s?* Sonants sung 'round the day of His birth.
     * As in  “tra-la-la”s    

Sat’r?* Man/goat. 
“S” Rat? 19th lab rodent (see ‘rats’) in experiments needing a coat. 
     * Satyr

Arts? More than single aesthetical skill. 
Ar’st?* You’re in "custodie officielle." 
     * Arrest  

Tsar? This guy’s Russia's ex-ruler (so-called). 
“T.S., Ra.”?* "Tough shit, Egyptian! You’re bald!”
     * Ra was a Sun god in ancient Egypt.

R. SAT? Achievement test taken for Russe
Rt. SA*? Coro** to Chile's caboose.
     * South America   **City in Venezuela

At’rs?* Aromas: a scent and a smell. 
A. T., Sr.? Treacher's** paterfamil-.
     * Attars   ** Arthur Treacher 

‘Rast’? From ‘reest’*: balked (lingua veterinarian). 
‘R’sta’? What’s said to a short Rastafarian.
     * Rast is past participle of ‘reest,’ a Scots dialect word 
said of a horse and meaning “to go.”

Ast’r?* When a body is early to rise. 
As’rt?** What is said when we categorize.  
     * Astir   ** Assort

Tas’r? Electroshock gun, used to stun. 
Tars? British sailors (named Jack, every one).

T’R S.A.! Urges you: “T(ou)r S(outh) A(merica)!” 
R’tas? Some sat(y)r’-revers’d. (Esoterica) 

Yes, he' a half man / half goat…in reverse, 
marking sheep-headed fun…and how run out's my verse.

A DIY Alphamnemonic

(Two vowels, three consonants. How does he do it...?)

A‘s the letter 
setting all in motion.
B’s the glyph which 
solves the riff, "Wha's next...?"
C continues 
stuff those two initial,
fleshing out one's 
melodie du texte.
D arrives to 
make a fourth at table.
E hits post that 
principal quartet. 
Var’ously as-
sembl’d they spell ____...

a “word” which makes im-
perfect sense (as yet).

The term you see is…
well, the term you get.

a name  disastrous! -- 
sans a ‘soubriquet.’ ba'c --
de ba(n)c one borrows 
from when dodging debt.

...Ed Cab,
who’s filthy rich. (Ed 
owns a corp'rate jet.)

He’ll share with you -- sans 
tea a tete a tete.

...C bead,
which follows A and 
B beads, I should bet…?

...Beca'd --
which might mean Beca 
would enjoy this fete.  

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...