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Monday, August 15, 2022

Heil, Herr Fred or Dies Ist Das Search

Dies ist Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies ist Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
    Dies ist Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies sind assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.     
     Dies sind Das Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies...? Die Container Crates -- each a big box --
spotted shelt'ring Die Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies sind Die Feds, making nary Das Sound
as they, armed with Das Warrant, go searching around
for Die packing Container Crates -- each a big box --
spotted shelt'ring Die Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies ist His Honor who issues Das Warrant
requested by Justice, which loosens Das Torrent
of FBI agents, who make not Das Sound
as they, armed with Das Warrant, go searching around
for Die packing Container Crates -- each a big box --
spotted shelt'ring Die Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies ist Das Nation where holds court the judge
who gives Das Green Light (with no hint of Das Grudge
or political bias) and issues Das Warrant
requested by Justice, which loosens Das Torrent
of FBI agents, who make not Das Sound
as they, armed with Das Warrant, go searching around
for Die packing Container Crates -- each a big box --
spotted shelt'ring  Die Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-sescrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don John, Don, rocks.
     Dies ist Don Don John whose administration
endangers, imperils and hazards Das Nation,
Das Balkanized Country where holds court Der Judge
who gives Das Green Light (with no hint of Das Grudge
or political bias) and issues Das Warrant
requested by Justice, which loosens Das Torrent
of FBI agents, who make not Das Sound
as they, armed with Das Warrant, go searching around
for Die packing Container Crates -- each a big box --
spotted shelt'ring Die Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in the safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don Don John rocks.
     Dies ist Der Domnus, Das craven old Con
who peculates millions while siring Der Don,
who swaps love for money -- Das poor Pro Quo Quid --
and, thus "Kruppted," winds up wid Das oversized Id
and Das self-serving Ego which hazards Das Nation
(conspiring, 'tis true, with his administration),
Das Balkanized Country where holds court Der Judge
who gives Das Green Light (with no hint of Das Grudge
or political bias) and issues Das Warrant
requested by Justice, which loosens Das Torrent
of FBI agents, who make not Das Sound
as they, armed with Das Warrant, go searching around
for Die packing Container Crates -- each a big box --
spotted shelt'ring Das Surfeits of classified docs,
some seen stuffed in assortments of unsorted Socks
sitting stashed in Das Safe hiding un-escrowed stocks
that squats in Das Storeroom secured with new locks
in Die Depths of Das Donjon where Don Don John rocks.

...But Sombody's Gotta Do It.

It's up to me which words go where:
this word goes here; that word goes there.
Some po'ms grow big; some po'ms stay small.
Hey! I'm The Poet, after all.

Though aping Edgar's "...nothing more,"
I mean to say there's things galore.
It's what they label 'irony.'
And I'm The Poet, don'cha see...?

I Emily's "I could not stop..."
restate, for I'm The Nation's Scop.
I Walt's "Myself I sing" re-shout.
That I'm The Poet there's no doubt.

Some po'ms are sung; some po'ms are penn'd.
And I'm The Poet, in the end.
Yes, I'm The Poet, come what may,
though I've not got a thing to say.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...