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Monday, November 11, 2019

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shakespeare's sonnets...? 
William wrote one hundred fifty four.
Shakespeare soon hits
each aesthetic target -- that and more.   
Shakespeare's 'sonics'...?
Sometimes sub'd for 'sonnets' heretofore. 
Shakespeare's son...? It's 
Hamnet, is it not...? (Bill's boy's a bore.)
'Soon hits,' 
'son...? It's,' 
Bill, you're so-o-o-o-o the whore!

Shakespeare's sonnets...?

De rigueur in Avon, Bath and Reading. 
Shakespeare's so nuts 
he bequeath's his wife substandard bedding.
Shakespeare's suin' Nats 
third baseman Noll, a trial Jake's dreading.
Shakespeare's sane. It's 
Pound who's nuts. (D'you see where this is heading...?)
'So nuts,' 
'suin' Nats,' 
'sane. It's,' 
White-coat men: Get netting!  

Shakespeare's sonnets 

celebrate the girl of Willie's dreams.
Shakespeare's Senate's 
chockablock with Caesarcides, it seems.
Shakespeare's sand gnats
fill his flat; with stinging flies it teems.
Shakespeare's sea nets
mahi-mahi, carp and gilt-head breams.
'sand gnats,' 
'sea nets,' 
Which unknowns...? Which memes...?

Shakespeare's sonnets

so impress'd the poet's maw and paw.
Shakespeare's sign outs-
ide his house: "Kings...? Not above the law." 
Shakespeare's sun hats...? 
Made in Myanmar -- braided hemp or straw.
(Shakespeare's Sioux...? Not s-
een in any play of Will's. Search Shaw.)* 
'Sign outs-,' 
'sun hats...?.' 
'Sioux...? Not s-,' 
Some stick in my craw.

Shakespeare's sonnets

fill up fourteen lines aka parts.
Shakespeare's song hits...?
"Me, Oh, My Ophelia" climb'd the charts.
Shakespeare's sanit-
ary napkin play no critic hearts.
Shakespeare's sin etc-
etera…? The Bard's tempestuous farts.
'Song hits,' 
'sin etc-,' 
Will's back where he starts.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...