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Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Plazocoa Chronicles, Episode 27: Hai-crew

     Ep. 27: Cozo, a Pal 

Steal my lunch money...? Better not try.
I've employ'd some "security," guy.
Meet Cozo, a pal... 
and my al.
Please, please: don't let us keep you. Goodbye.

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 26: The Good, the Bad and the Placozoal

     Ep. 26: Plaza Oç'o

One "ta-dum" from a strumming guitar
cues El Ruffian to snuff that cigar!
"Let's us meet, por favor,
on the streetcar, Señor:
Plaza Oç'o. We need not ride far."

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 25: Clues...? Oh!

    Ep. 25: Zap! A Cloo!
Do you Plac’zoan Chronicles ken
as you ponder ‘em time ‘n’ again…?
Would fresh clues open doors --
give confusions 'what for's…?
Zap! A cloo! Will that do…? [Say ‘amen.’]

Runcibl'd Spooner: Saucy Jacky

Of gore he garner’d ne’er enough
as throats of drabs he'd 'grave 'n' whittle:
Jack the Ripper
Bernie Madoff, Ponzi buff…?
Let’s lengthen Laddie’s limbs a little:
“Rack the Gypper!”
Trust me: virtue just might hurt you.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...