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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Suckers, Losers or Mr. POTUS Doesn't Regret

     "Be All You Can Be"

                 -- Former Army recruiting slogan

Long-haul truckers…? Could be cruisers.

They ain’t suckers. They ain’t losers.

Snoozers should be sitting duckers.

Losers...? Nope! Nor be they suckers.


Pass-the-buckers might be schmoozers.

They ain’t suckers. They aint losers.

Musers...? Right! They're thunderstruckers.

Losers...? Nope! Nor be they suckers.


Oyster shuckers can turn oozers.

They ain’t suckers. They ain’t losers.

Beggar'd ruckers can’t be choosers.

Still, not suckers. Nor, yet, losers.


Texan Cruzers...? Some seem schmuckers.

They ain’t losers. They ain’t suckers.

Rural Hoosiers...? Few be chuckers.

They ain’t losers. They ain’t suckers.


Now your POTUS has reveal’d:

dying on some foreign field

turns you loser, makes you suck.

WTF, Drumpf…?! WTF...?!  

Where's Walrus...? Q & P (Compliments of Friend of the Blog GFH -- and with Apologies for the Heavy-Handed Rewrite)

The Walrus and the Quietist

To pilgrimage aspired.

Posed Walrus, “Say! Let’s leave today…

Unless your dogs be tired.”

Can't! Thank this cyst,” the Quietist

Return'd, “my sole's acquired.”

The Walrus and the Prostitute

Patroll'd the Tenderloin,

A-reminiscing all the while

Of General Burgoyne.

"'Gent John' rejoiced in drabs," Jen* voiced.

John blew a slew of coin."

     * Perhaps Jenny Diver from John Gay's 

"The Beggars' Opera"...?

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...