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Sunday, March 15, 2020

'REAL' > 'FAKE': a New Wolaly as Winter Itinerary

     The wolaly or word ladder lyric is a poem 
whose form features units of a word ladder series 
set out in order and fleshed out in meter and rhyme.

You'd wend, from 'real' to 'fake,' your way...?
You'll snowmobile through 'reel.' You may
then hang a hairpin left at 'reek,'
concluding which 'tis 'peek' you'll seek.
    You'd, further, sneak a peek at 'perk'...?
You'll turn, Saint-Nick-like, "with a jerk,"
toboggan 'bout a mile, then 'park' --
no wiser way to leave your 'mark.'
    On one-horse sleigh you'll stray from there
(avoid the mustang, pick the 'mare'
if you'd be spared that extra 'fare')...
to brake at 'fake' -- no worse for wear.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...