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Saturday, July 2, 2022

A Rondo of Runcibl'd Spooners (11)

Fledermaus Mach speed puts on.
Homberg East Missouri'ns don. 
     Bat out o' hell / Hat out o' Belle 

Royal princesses 'n' princes. 
Dog bite bane. (Who's bitten winces.) 
     Regal babies / Beagle rabies

Steep some, swallow...and relax.
Heap'd up propolis 'n' wax.
     Book of Tea / Took of Bee
                                          -- GFH 

Bumm'd I bought (though no one cares). 
Michael's thought on stocks and shares.
     Buyer's Remorse / Myers re: Bourse 

Break-in! (Barbershop in Queens.)
Tutored crooks in forging greens. 
     Caught Trespassing / Taught Cress Passing

Boycott raisins! (Best start small.)  
How do I like Donald's fall...?
     Not A Fig Ban / Not A Big Fan

Easier to say than do.  
Dover Cliffs...? A tow'ring view! 
     Talk Is Cheap / Chalk Is Steep

Tart-theft trial in Wonderland. 
Sprints grown quickly out of hand.
     A Raucous Case / A Caucus Race 

Joyce has dream. 
Drumpf has scheme.
     Finnegans Wake / Win Again’s Fake 
                                           -- GFH

Such melodious bits of fluff. 
Much like diamonds in the rough. 
     Pretty Girls / Gritty Pearls 

ER nurses have your back.  
Find your pup, Spot, on that stack. 
     Help Is On The Way / Whelp Is On The Hay

As Brits would have it: "Mind the Gap!" 
A tub bath...? Lose the bathing cap. 
     A Word O' Caution / Occurr'd: A Washin'

In Chi, where immigrants carouse. 
Those epic poets love their cows.
     Back O' The Yards / Yak O' The Bards

"Semper Fi" dispenses clout. 
If it hadn't, I'd have gout.
     Proud To Be A Marine / Bowed To Me! A Purine! 

Novel Japanese adore.
Nice girl from an upper floor.
     Tale Of Genji / Gail Of 10G   
                                            -- GFH

Protecting women’s right to choose.
Distress'd with try to stamp out booze.
     Roe v. Wade / Woe v. Raid   
                                            -- GFH

Plead your case but whisper low. 
"Think ye thou deserve it...? No!" 
     Beg In Your Ear / Egg In Your Beer

Ev'ry door to you's now open. 
You'll let out the cat, I'm hopin.'
     Key To The City / "See To The Kitty!"

Trust you...? Ain't no way, you louse. 
Graphs the gas used at your house.
     Your Cheating Heart / Your Heating Chart 

Last words spoke before you run. 
Al to Dubya: "Are we done...?"
     "Four To Go!" / Gore To Foe

Directives for the use of force. 
Monsters drinking blood, of course.
     Rules Of Engagement / Ghouls of Enragement

Firing those who fuck things up. 
Commie golfers reach the cup. 
     Heads Will Roll / Reds Will Hole

Fructose...? Dextrose...? Heaven knows! 
Tissues to de-schmutz one's nose.
     Sugar Beets / Booger Sheets 

The hand is quicker than the eye. 
Assassinated Irish guy. 
     Magic Trick / Tragic Mick

Obligations...? Mine...? They are
Finn the publican wipes bar.
     Buck Stops Here / Huck Sops Beer

A blimp ride, Sun- through Saturday. 
The snout on lout from Brussels pays.
     A Week On A Balloon / A Beak On A Walloon 

More of Carroll's nonsense schtick. 
Eternal Town's arithmetic.
     Mome Raths / Rome Maths

Book that won a Booker Prize. 
Lands of royal Spanish guys. 
     The Remains Of The Day / Demesnes Of The Rey

They'll clog your lungs and curb your breath. 
A stiffen'd carcass augers death.
     Cigarettes / Rigor Sets

For sending wires, most versatile. 
It's Drumpf's abrupt campaigning style.
     Morse Code / Coarse Mode

They're useful makin' Muscadet. 
Around the set see Clark sashay.
     Table Grapes / Gable Traipse

Nachos...? Si! (They don't serve scones). 
The inn Johann Sebastian owns.
     Taco Bell / Bach Hotel 

Install on your device; get Smarties. 
Booster of the Labour Party's:
     Candy App / Andy Capp

Loves all games which use a ball. 
The Alamo...? More short than tall.
    Sports Fan / Fort's Span 

The Year of the Rabbit per Vietnamese. 
Aperitif guzzled by Big Easy sleaze.
     Year Of The Cat / Kir Of The Yat 

String up Veep upon your gallows...? 
Suffer sorrow by All Hallows.
     Hang Pence / Pang Hence

Has Iron Mike stepp'd in the ring...? 
Has my boy done this dreadful thing...?
     Is That Mike Tyson...? / Is That Tyke My Son...?

Pack'd a sandwich; pack'd a few. 
Three Norwegians and a Jew. 
     The Box Lunch / The Lox Bunch

As well as cymbals on her knees. 
What renders debs a bitch to please.
     Bells On Her Toes / Tells On Her beaux

Greens 'n' dressings, all self-serve.
He of heroes sings with verve. 
     Salad Bar / Ballade Czar

Prove that you're no feeble reed. 
Plant, then cultivate, some weed.
     Show Some Grit / Grow Some Shit

Asylum care to cure your ills. 
Outrunnin' Dennis to them pills.*
     Rest In Bodmin / Bestin' Rodman
          * Like 'rocks,' a slang term for basketballs 

Aid in slippin' on a pair. 
Horton's chum what's lost its hair. 
     Shoehorn / Who, Shorn

Knock'd Floridians' resort. 
Dismiss'd small spider: "You're too short!":
     Pann'd Key West / Cann'd Wee Pest

Bread bun where a wiener's found. 
Rectum of a German hound.
     Hot Dog Roll / Rott Dog Hole

Head to house of correction.
Gender-transition direction:
     Go to Jail / 'Joe' to 'Gail'

Freeways poet Frost won't jog. 
Yardwork "No way!"'by a frog:
     Roads Not Taken / Toad's Not Rakin'

Tureen of bouillon (with spaghetti). 
Quintessence animating Betty.
     Bowl Of Soup / Soul Of Boop

Co-eds screams as idol nears. 
Palookas shedding pails of tears.
     Bobby Soxers / Sobby Boxers

God of Nature framed with leaves. 
Source of tsuris Gramps receives.
     Green Man / Mean Gran

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...