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Friday, July 14, 2023

The '-idity'ot King' or, Heed 'im 'n' Reap!

"All you need is Drumpf, Chumpf;
Drumpf is all you need."
-- D. Drumpf

To cadge an imagined torpidity, 
merely picture a log with a bumpf; 
to experience gobs of cupidity, 
you've no need but to heed Donald Drumpf.
To obtain a small grain of squalidity, 
merely conjure a landfill or dumpf; 
to experience wads of vapidity, 
merely cede homeland's lead to The Drumpf.
To acknowledge your thrall to liquidity, 
store the sum of your wealth in one lumpf; 
to experience bits of rabidity. 
merely read of the greed of The Drumpf.
To insure it's secure (your timidity),
merely ask for the hand of a frumpf;
to experience tainted rancidity,
just pay heed to the creed of The Drumpf.

To experience tiers of avidity,
play the advocate, never the grumpf;
to experience caustic acridity,
just proceed where he's pee'd -- Donald Drumpf.

To enjoy a dynamic fluidity,
to your workout add hopf, skipf and jumpf;
to experience fetid putridity,
you've no need but to breed one more Drumpf.

To be sure folks regard your pinguidity,
bloat to far more than pleasingly plumpf;
to experience heavy gelidity,
you've no need but to feed Donald Drumpf.

To survive in Death Valley's aridity,
ride the camel with only one humpf;
to experience outsize stupidity,
you've no need but to heed Donald Drumpf.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...