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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Some Who Lived Here

Some who lived here 
loved to lav.
Lafe, who lav'd here, 
lived to lave.
Some who laved here 
loved to leaf.
(Lief, who leaf'd here, 
lived to loaf.)
Some who loaf'd here 
loved to luffa.
Liv, who luffa'd, 
lived to love.
Some who loved here 
lived to laugh.
None who laugh'd here 
loved to leave.

Brushes with Fuller or The Buckyball Doesn't Stop Here Anymore

Afghanistan's amokyball! 
Alack! Iraq's badluckyball!
Why...? Donald's Bride of Chuckyball 
eats Disney’s Donald Duckyball!)

Bolles (Enoch) bowls Enochyballs.

His pinups...? Freakin' f***yballs!
Grand Opera’s Alma Gluckyball 
greets Watson’s Jim 'n' Huckyball.

They'd wallow In the muckyball

sans muck…? That’s Just their luckyball.
A Sauk Chief, Keokukyball, 
beats Iowa's lameduckyball...

...whilst Larry Fine's muklukyball 

heats Curly’s Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!”yball.

"We'le lunnin’ out o’ ruckybarr," 

breats Chinese Peking Duckybarr!
“'Quack, Quack!' (A doubre cruckybarr...?)
Prease...wish it 'Rotsaruck!'ybarr."

Some sorry sadass'd schmuckyball 

tweets Sherwood's Friar Tuckyball,
who, barfing his upchuckyball,
pees visiting Urukyball.

Ask not, "Which bird goes 'cluck!'yball…?" 

"Eet's hot, ees Juan's X-Puckyball…?"
Nor "Salmagundi’s yuckyball…?" 
(Jeez!! Seize not ‘z’s from ’szzchuhckqeebawll’!)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...