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Sunday, July 8, 2018

"Rush ish sush a dishgrashe..." Limbaugh, Limbaugh, Limbaugh Like He!

     "Rush ish 
sush a dishgrashe," opin’sh pissh'd Princhessh Grashe.*
"To be put in hish plashe: who’sh to shoulder that cashe?
‘Tish a tashk for Anne Heche."
     * The former Ms Kelly, late of the royal family of Monaco 

Rush ish a douche," whin'sh a wan John Beleush.
"Look here, Rush: hush yer mush! Frickin’ ferme yer bouche
‘fore I phone Clare Boothe Lushe* -- her or Bullwinkle Moosh."**

     * Wife of Time publisher Hank Luce 
     ** Sidekick of flying squirrel Rock E.

      “Rush ish 
all ‘bout the cash," aversh Alda* from M.A.S.H.
"Rushster's act (and it be one) be shtrictly low classh. 
Who concursh? Ogden Nash.” 

     * Actor Alan

      “’Deed I
do: Rush mush hush. After spoutin' hish gush
Rush refushesh to flush. (I’ve informed Johnny Cash…
who’sh hipp'd J. Carroll Naish).”

Rush ish not neish,” blurtsh a blunt Robert Reich.
"He’sh located hish niche: it’s amongsht nouveau riche.
Even Reagan (called “Dutsch”) would urge Rushster to shutsh.”

    “Rush? He
sure ain’t my dish.” laughsh Msh Lillian Gish.
“Who shall shettle hish hash? Perhapsh June Carter Cash.
Or get Glinda the Wish.”*

     * In the merry ol’ Land of Oz, a southern wish -- and a good one

    “Rush ish
mucho tres gauche,"  ‘nota ben’s Nina Foch.
“He’sh an addict, a lush (oh, yesh: isn’t he jush!).
What’sh the Marshal* not get 'bout a phrashe like 'bum’s Rush'?”

      * WWI Allied Supreme Commander Marshal Foch

      “It’s pro-
tected free speesh,” chimesh in Chong and chum Cheesh,*
“or sho Rushster inshishts, ash, indeed, doesh John Tesh.
And yet pray we still musht, that the shilly ol' assh
shall shoon hush…Oh? He'sh her?...? We -- adieu! -- gotta dash.”
      * Comics Sammy and Mr Marin

Rush? Omigosh,” dithersh Dubya Bush.
“Rush provid'sh GOPshtersh a partishan push
via broadcashtsh to Tulsha and Oshkosh, b’gosh.
Plush we hear that Ann Coutler hash susch a big crush...
and it'sh not on Pete Tosh. So, then: what'sh all the fussh?

"How be this for one lime-juice-soak'd sight...? A Limerick 'n' Lime for Elton John

Did you know that Sir Elton was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight? Now you do. 

How be this for one lime-juice-soak'd sight?
Chinese chefs kidnap John late one night.
As they stuff Elton in-
to a pie-making tin,
we all watch while two Wongs bake a Dwight.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...