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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Resist! For Reni, Jack and Carl (RIP)

     J. Kerouac's "Pull my daisy..." appears to prefigure 

U. Poe's "...pant your piece...." Defend or disparage...or both.

To you whose spiel'd eclipse the sage...?

Come, post your paw print 'pon the page!

To you who’d preçis joy and grief...?

Come, limn your lines along the leaf!

To you who’d Cuisinart the crown...?

Come, grave your ground – here verb, there noun!

Like Jack insists in Enter Laughing,*

“Always – always! – write it down!”


To you who’d peace talk underpin...?

Come, score your scrawl upside a skin!

To you who’d ‘gainst the racists stand...?

Come, stamp your sign across the sand!

To you who’d mum a monster’s maw...?

At Potus pant your piece -- comme ça:

“It’s up to you to Ha-cha-cha..."

as Jack* to Ren* enjoy'd to jaw.

     * In Carl Reiner's semi-autobiographical 

novel Enter LaughingJack Gilford plays protagonist 

David Kolowitz's employer Mr. Forman. Delivery 

boy David is portrayed by the wonderful Reni Santoni,

who died earlier this week.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...