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Saturday, February 24, 2018

"Push Comes to Shuffle..." or Shuffle Stuff: a Nonsense Glossarhyme

When push comes to shuffle,
one shuffles along.
Off to Buffalo shuffle,
like's done in Al's song.*

     * Al Dubin and Harry Warren introduced
their song "Shuffle Off to Buffalo" in the 
1933 musical film "42nd Street." It must 
not be confused with Noble Sissle and
Eubie Blake's 1921 Broadway show
"Shuffle Along."

When shuffleboard's offer'd,
a shuffle pass may
lend one's shuffle dance lev'rage
to carpe the day.

When shuffling one's feet,
as Burt Shevelove does,
price, then purchase, a snow shuffle.
Why...? Just because.

As regards mortal coils
which require shuffling off,
shite's what's shuffled -- from Augean Stables!
(You scoff...?)

"From dreams recollected..." What It Is & Where It's From: A Nonsense Rhyme

From dreams recollected. From fancies confected.
(It's nothing Bill Veeck did, nor reckless Glenn Beck did.)
Debuts unsuspected. D'ja vus resurrected.
(It's nowt Bela Fleck did nor aught Chiang Kai Shek did.) 

Affected. Reflected. Ex more inspected.
Finessed a la Greque, though by Shrek undetected.
(It's nothing no Czech nor no dead Zapotec did,
nor nowt Lech Walesa nor Gregory Peck did.)

Its lemmas? Dissected. Heck! Hypercorrected.
(Nowt Halo nor Breck nor no Antarctic trek did.)
It's ever respected. It's left disinfected.
(Nor -- just for effect -- is it something Cal Tech did.)

Perfection? Neglected when interconnected.
Erected in texts. Into tracts architected.
It's schtick Prilosec, plus an old tarot deck, did...
what "Nescio autem non volo noscito"* did.
     * In Latin, very roughly, "I' I don' wanna know."


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...